한국어교육바다 공지사항

공지사항과 함께 한국어교육과 관련된 각종 행사 안내.

18회 유럽 한국학 대학원생 학술회의(KSGSC)

2024-09-16 18:17

18th Korean Studies Graduate Students Conference in Europe (KSGSC)

18th Korean Studies Graduate Students Conference in Europe (KSGSC)

University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy – September 25th – 27th, 2024.

The KSGSC committee is pleased to announce the 18th convention for graduate students, hosted by the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies.

The conference aims to give graduate students in all Korea-related fields an opportunity to present their research, share academic interests, and strengthen ties with other junior scholars.

Now in its 18th edition, this conference will follow the KSGSC’s history marked by successful previous conventions at Ruhr University, Bochum (2004), SOAS, London (2005), the Oriental Institute, Prague (2006), Edinburgh University (2007), Leiden University (2008), Moscow State University (2009), Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (2010), Maison de l’Asie, Paris (2011), University of Warsaw (2012), University of Helsinki (2013), Saint Petersburg State University (2014), the University of Malaga (2015), the University of Copenhagen (2016), University of Tübingen (2017), Sapienza University, Rome (2018), Université Paris Cité (2022) and Comenius University, Bratislava (2023).

The convention is organized by the KSGSC committee and funded by the Academy of Korean Studies.

Venue and Dates:

Venue: University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy

Conference date: 25 – 27 September, 2024


24 September: Arrival and Check-in

25 September: Conference (full day)

26 September: Conference (full day)

27 September: Conference (half day)

Eligibility and Support:

MA students, PhD students/candidates, and post-docs who have received their PhD in the last two years.

The conference is open to applicants from outside Europe but preference in the selection process will be given to students studying at European universities.

Accommodation and meals will be provided to all accepted participants for free.


We aim to offer the accepted participants from within Europe (i.e. who are based at a university in Europe) a transport grant of around EUR 150. Unfortunately, due to budgetary restraints, we are not able to offer full grants to participants from outside Europe. Participants are encouraged to seek financial support from their own universities. We kindly ask participants with financial support from their home institution or other grants to choose the self-funded option in the GoogleForm.

Presentations and Papers:

All successful applicants will be expected to give a 30-minute time slot (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q&A) and will have to submit their full paper (5-7 pages) by September 8th, 2024.

Application and Submission of Abstracts:

Applicants should fill in the GoogleForm with the following information:

  1. your full name as you would like it to appear in the abstract booklet
  2. affiliation
  3. contact info (e-mail, telephone and KakaoTalk ID)
  4. major area of study (region and discipline)
  5. title of your paper
  6. abstract of your paper (600 words max.)
  7. grant request

We accept applications and presentations both in English and Korean. However, we ask all applicants who will present in Korean to submit a translation of their abstract in English. We do not expect Korean full paper submissions to be in English, although we welcome English translations.

You will be sent a confirmation that your application has been received. If you do not receive a confirmation within five days after you sent it, please send your application again.

Application Period:

The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2024.

We will contact all applicants by end-May regarding the acceptance of their application.

Canceling Your Participation:

We would like to receive applications only from those who are definitely able to attend the convention. Please, bear in mind that applicants who confirm and then later cancel their participation potentially deprive others of the chance of attending and lead to a waste of KSGSC resources.

*Please, note that any participants who cancel after June 16th, 2024, may be liable to pay the hotel expenses and may be restricted from attending future KSGSCs.

Organizer contact details:

The KSGSC committee (


Arrival date: September 24th, 2024

Convention dates: September 25th – 27th, 2024

Application deadline: April 30th, 2024, 2024

Notification letter: end-May 2024

Last date to cancel your participation: June 16th, 2024

Submit your full paper: by September 8th, 2024

*Sometimes known as the “baby AKSE” the event is open and free to everyone interested in attending, you can find the poster for the conference here, and the conference programme here

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아래와 같이 기존 게시판과 페이지를 수정 및 삭제하였습니다. 교원전용 게시판인 "대나무숲"은 사용자가 없으므로 삭제하였습니다. 위에 따라 "대나무숲" 게시판을 이용하기 위한 "교원인증" 게시판도 삭제하였습니다. "소개·문의" 페이지 내의 "1:1문의 게시판"에 개인적인 질문과 무리한 요구를 하는 분들이 많아서 삭제하였습니다. 채용공고에 관하여 2달간 공지하였으므로 "해외채용·파견", "국내채용"을 삭제하였습니다. 아래와 같이 새로운 게시판과 페이지를 개설하였습니다. "소개·문의" 페이지에 "비지니스 문의"를 추가하였습니다. 앞으로 모든 문의는 커뮤니티 게시판을 이용해주시고 필요 시 "비밀글"을 활용하여 운영자와 소통하시기 바랍니다. 채용공고 게시판에 "취업정보 구독", "자율공고" 게시판을 추가하였습니다.  "취업정보 구독"이 페이지는 유튜브 채널 유료구독을 통해 매달 최소1회 이상 해외취업 정보를 받아보실 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다.이 취업정보에는 국외 대학교, 사설교육기관, 온라인, 국제학교 등을 포함하여 단순 취업공고 뿐 아니라 직접 찾을 수 있는 방법도 제공하고 있습니다. "자율공고"대학교 및 해외 기관에서 한국어교육바다를 통해 한국어강사 모집 공고를 내고자 문의하는 분들이 많습니다.이 게시판을 통해 자유롭게 한국어강사 모집공고를 올릴 수 있습니다. 감사합니다. 한국어교육바다 운영자 올림. *사진 AI Emojis
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