Palacký University
Assistant Professor in Korean Studies (Digital Humanities), Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, invites applications for a full-time position, described as assistant professor in Korean Studies.
This new hiring is part of an Academy of Korean Studies Advanced Seed project, entitled Digital Humanities for European Korean Studies: Equipping Future Koreanists with DH Tools. The initial contract will be for two years with an annual appraisal and a possible extension for another two years. After completion of the project, the position can be converted into a regular tenure track position.
Successful applicants should have a focus on contemporary Korean culture and/or society and engage with Digital Humanities in their research and teaching. They are expected to develop a portfolio of courses that introduce students to Digital Humanities tools and the advanced use of digital media, content, and resources for the purpose of Korean Studies and beyond. They are expected to teach general and introductory courses in the Korean section on both BA and MA level and to take on mentoring and supervisory roles. The regular annual teaching load is 8 hours a week during 2 semesters that each last 13 weeks.
In addition, successful applicants are expected to possess:
- an appropriate teaching record (documented by teaching evaluations if available),
- a research and publication record adequate to the career stage and willingness to apply for additional external funding,
- administrative experience adequate to the career stage and willingness to take on administrative and organizational tasks within the Advanced Seed project and the Korean section,
- ability to communicate in English at the level of the position and willingness to learn Czech for basic communication.
The entry-level gross salary is 55,000 CZK a month (ca. 42,000 CZK net income). This is negotiable, depending on experience. An annual bonus of up to a one-month salary is conditioned on satisfactory performance. After positive evaluation, the gross salary will be raised to 62,000 CZK for the second year.
Applications should include (i) a motivation letter, (ii) a CV including a full list of publications, (iii) teaching evaluations, if available, (iv) a teaching and research statement (each of these not exceeding 2 pages). Applications must be submitted via e-mail to František Kratochvíl (frantisek.kratochvil@upol.cz), HoD Asian Studies, and to Andreas Schirmer (andreas.schirmer@upol.cz), head of the department’s Korean section and director of the Advanced Seed project. In addition, one letter of recommendation should be sent by the recommending person directly via e-mail to František Kratochvíl and Andreas Schirmer.
Application deadline: 29 February 2024.
Starting date: 1 April 2024 or later.
To apply for this job please visit upol.cz.