한국어강사 해외채용 일본 広島大学 ~Sep 29, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 広島大学

Associate Professor or Assistant Professor for Korean Language

1. Affiliation (Appointment)
Academy of Hiroshima University (Institute for Foreign Language Research and
Education: FLaRE)

2. Position(s) and number of opening(s)
Associate Professor or Assistant Professor, one (1)
(Depending on the result of the performance reviews of the applicant at the time of employment, he/she may be decided on any of the following titles: Associate Professor with tenure; Associate Professor/Assistant Professor on Tenure Track System)

3. Date of commencement of employment
April 1st, 2024

4. Terms of employment
Tenure-track position(s) period of employment
 7 years (in the case of a tenure-track Associate Professor being promoted to tenured Associate Professor)
 5 years (in the case of a tenure-track Assistant Professor being promoted to tenured Associate Professor)
(1) Tenure-track faculty members will undergo a tenure review at least six (6) months or more in advance of the expiration date of appointment, and those who have successfully passed the review process will be granted tenure along with promotion to Associate Professor.
(2) Granting a candidate tenure is subject to two reviewing processes: an intermediate and a final review. If a candidate is not granted tenure following the final review, he/she will be dismissed from the university upon completion of the term of appointment.
(3) If a candidate has taken a leave of absence because of a life event such as childbirth, childcare, or caregiving, he/she may extend the term of appointment up to a certain period according to the length of such leave.

5. Field of specialization
Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, Korean Language, Korean Literature, Koreanspeaking Sociocultural Studies, or a related area.

6. Teaching responsibilities, etc.
(1) Undergraduate level: Basic Korean in general education (6 courses per year), and Korean courses in the Study Program for Building Trilingual Language Skills (4 courses per year). (Each course consists of sixteen 90-minute classes.)
(2) Curriculum management for Korean courses in general education (timetabling and course improvement).
(3) Work related to the implementation of education provided by the FLaRE (Voluntary Language Courses, Study Program for Building Trilingual Language Skills, etc.)
(4) Work related to the FLaRE’s educational research (teaching material developments, various projects, etc.)
(5) Administration and management of FLaRE
(6) In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the candidate may be asked to teach other general education courses and/or discipline-specific courses in other
department(s) and graduate school(s).

7. Qualifications
Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
(1) Have demonstrable enthusiasm for and commitment to Korean language education.
(2) Hold a doctoral degree in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, Korean Language, Korean Literature, Korean-speaking Sociocultural Studies, or a related field by the time the appointment begins.
(3) Have the ability, personality, and Japanese language skills necessary to carry out administrative duties at FLaRE in the future.
(4) If Japanese is not the applicant’s first language, he/she must have a high level of Japanese language proficiency (900 or above on the JPT or holding JLPT N1) and Japanese language skills sufficient to write documents related to the administration and management of FLaRE and university-wide projects.

8. Application materials required
(1) Resume. Please use the official FLaRE form.
If you have a history of being employed by Hiroshima University (as a TA, RA, researcher, etc.) in the past five years, be sure to state all positions you have held.
(2) A list of publications and oral presentations. Put * for your 5 most important research accomplishments. Use the official FLaRE form for listing publications.
(3) A summary of your 3 most important research accomplishments. Include copies of those publications. Please type the summary on A4 paper. Do not exceed 300 words for each accomplishment.
(4) A short essay on how you believe Hiroshima University Korean classes can best be taught. Write your ideas within one A4 page.
(5) Documents or certificates showing that the applicant has a high level of Japanese language proficiency (only if the applicant’s first language is not Japanese).
(6) Any other documents/papers, if he/she considers necessary (letters of recommendation, etc.)
※Download the official FLaRE forms for (1) and (2) at the following site:
※For your application, (1) and (2) must be sent by registered mail (書留) as well as uploaded at the following site:

9. Application deadline
All application materials must reach us by [17:00 pm on September 29th, 2023 (Japan time)].

10. Please send all application documents to the following address
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University
1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima, 739-8521, JAPAN
※Write in red “外国語教育研究センター専任教員応募書類在中” or “Gaikokugo Kyoiku
Kenkyu Center Sennin Kyoin Obo” on the package, and send it by registered mail (書留).

11. Selection procedure
(1) Selection will be made based on all application documents submitted.
(2) Interviews will be held as necessary. As a general rule, applicants are required to conduct demonstration lessons in English. Please note that any travel expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants who pass the initial document review will be informed of interview date, time, and format.
(3) Hiroshima University promotes a gender-equal society in accordance with the legislative intent of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.

12. Employment status
(1) If you are agreeable to the application of the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work, you are deemed to work for 7 hours and 45 minutes a day. If not, working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 (from Monday to Friday), with a break from 12:00 to 12:45.
(2) Workdays are from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) in principle.
(3) Holidays are Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays in principle.

13. Salary, etc.
(1) The annual salary system (II), implemented in October 2021, will be applied to the successful candidates.
(2) Successful candidates may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for the trip from their home or former place of work to the new place of work to assume their post in accordance with the relevant regulations of Hiroshima University. For more information, please contact us.

14. Evaluation
We conduct individual performance evaluations for all Hiroshima University faculty members after their employment, and numerically rate their performance; salary and benefits are commensurate with performance indicators.

15. Employer
Hiroshima University

16. Miscellaneous
(1) Probationary employment period: six (6) months
(2) Personal information obtained from application documents will not be used or provided to any third party for purposes other than the necessary procedures related to personnel affairs, salary, and welfare. Application documents of applicants whom we have decided not to employ will be returned to those applicants in an appropriate manner, after the completion of relevant selection processes.
(3) All the faculty members of Hiroshima University belong to the “Academy”, which is the single university-wide faculty organization, and each faculty as a member of the Academy of the University is appointed to educational and/or research organizations such as an individual undergraduate school, graduate school, research center or institute.
(4) Faculty members may also be assigned to teaching and/or research activities in other organizations of Hiroshima University and university-wide projects.
(5) For each specialized field, Hiroshima University has defined minimum standards for hiring new faculty (“the minimum standards”). We use the minimum standards for the initial screening process of applicants, and only those who have cleared the minimum standards will qualify as the candidates for the post concerned. The minimum standards used for this international job opening can be viewed by clicking the following URL link.
(6) HU provides other employment information (research positions, office work, etc.). If your spouse wishes to work for HU, please refer to the following URL link.
Employment information:

17. Contact
Takako YOSHIMITSU, Deputy Director
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University
Tel: +81+(0)82-424-5949; FAX: +81+(0)82-424-6400
E-mail: (delete “%”)


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