한국어강사 해외 채용 미국 일리노이주 The University of Chicago ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

Postdoctoral Scholar at the rank of Instructor

The University of Chicago: Social Sciences Division: Department of History




Open Date

Oct 07, 2022


The Department of History of the University of Chicago, with the support of the Center for East Asian Studies and the US Department of Education Title VI Grant, invites applicants for a non-renewable, three-year appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the rank of Instructor in Modern Korean History. We particularly welcome applications from junior scholars whose work situates Korean history in a transregional or transnational perspective and those whose work is thematically or methodologically innovative. The successful applicant will conduct research in their field, teach two undergraduate courses each year on topics chosen in consultation with a faculty mentor, and contribute to the intellectual life of the wider University.  In addition to salary and benefits, the successful applicant will also be provided with research funds to pursue their own research, for conference travel, and for planning conferences or other Korea-related events/programming. 


Candidates must have earned the PhD prior to the start of the appointment.

Application Instructions

Applicants are required to apply online at the University of Chicago’s Interfolio site:  Applications should include: (1) a current curriculum vitae (2) a cover letter that describes your research and teaching profile, as well as your plans for the fellowship period(3) a research statement addressing current and future plans for research (2–3 pages); (4) a teaching statement addressing teaching experience and philosophy (1-page); (4) a draft syllabus of at least one course to be taught during the fellowship period; (5) Writing sample from the candidates’ research of approximately 30 pages; (6) three letters of recommendation.

Review of applicants will begin on November 15th, and applications will be reviewed until the position is filled or the search is ended.

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