한국어강사 해외채용 리투아니아 Vilnius university ~Mar 01, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

리투아니아 Vilnius university

Position for postdoctoral fellowship

Transformations in Love, Marriage and Gender Relations in Contemporary South Korea: An Anthropological Perspective

Position for postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania is available.

Deadline for applications is 1 March 2023.

About the project

The two-year postdoc fellowship project will explore transformations in romantic love, marriage and gender relations in South Korean society. Research will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Victor de Munck and in close interaction with other members of his group.

This project will aim to understand the changing conceptions and practices of intimate relations among South Korean youth as they are an integral part of a larger process of societal transformation. The research will use a holistic approach to describe and analyze changes in perceptions of love, marriage, and gender relations in contemporary South Korea through considering the dynamics between cultural, economic and linguistic aspects of South Korean life. The research will also investigate how these changes are influenced by the historically constituted norms and practices of gender relations, as well as contemporary gender images circulating in the media. More materially, the research will take into account economic factors affecting intimate relations and will research how these changes are reflected in linguistic practices.

The project will be conducted at the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies. Enquiries regarding this position should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Victor de Munck by email  or to Ramunė Kasperavičiūtė-Černiauskienė by email 

Budget: Staff cost: full-time work position – 2 152 Eur/per month (all taxes included); 24 months x 2 152 Eur., at all 51 648 Eur. Cost amount for project activities implementation – up to 10 000 Eur.


  • PhD in Social Sciences or Humanities, preferably in the field of Sociocultural Anthropology;
  • Experience in doing fieldwork in South Korea (advantage);
  • English language skills (C1 level and above).

Application form

Please submit your completed Application form with Application attachments via email to



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