한국어강사 해외채용 체코 MASARYK UNIVERSITY (1) ~Jul 18, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용


Assistant at Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studiess

Department: Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies – Faculty of Arts
Deadline: 18 Jul 2023
Start date: November 1, 2023
Job type: part-time
Job field: Science and research  |  Education and schooling

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University announces an open competition for the position


Department: Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studiess, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

Working time:  0,5 

Start date:  November 1, 2023

Number of open positions: 1

Application deadline: 18. 7. 2023

For Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies we are searching a colleague for the position of an Assistant with focus on Asian Studies and especially Mongolia.



  • participation in conducting selected theoretical and practical lectures at the workplace


  • in general: participation in research and development activities, in particular:
  • individual and team collaboration to solve complex research tasks and publication of results in peer-reviewed journals, scientific monographs or peer-reviewed proceedings
  • active participation in domestic and foreign scientific conferences and professional meetings and presentation of research results
  • participation in the organization of research activities
  • specifically: research and publication activity in the project: “Evolutionary Interferences of Religion and Governance in Inner Asia: Comparison of mutual impacts with tributary countries: Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam” (Standard grant, Czech Science Foundation) and after two months move to the project “Changing Adaptive Strategies of Mobile Pastoralists in Mongolia: Dynamics in Community: Histories and Movement Patterns Documented Through Oral Sources” (Junior Star, Czech Science Foundation).
  • Independent academic research in the Czech Republic and willingness to move to the Czech Republic for work 

Candidate requirements:

  • Accomplished Master study in humanities with a focus on ethnology, cultural/social anthropology, or a related field, together with proven published results of research activities – required
  • The position requires doctoral study in the Czech Republic (preferably at Masaryk University) or parallel submission of an application and successful start of doctoral study in the Czech Republic (preferably at Masaryk University)
  • Special focus on Mongolia and/or Mongolian ethnic groups – required 
  • Experience with publication activities – required
  • More years of stay at academic institution abroad – required
  • Active contacts with academic institutions in Mongolia – required
  • At least 1 year of work at academic institution in Mongolia – required
  • More years of experience with fieldwork and research of oral sources – required
  • Active knowledge of Colloquial Mongolian (at least at a level corresponding to C1 CEFR) – required
  • Active knowledge of Classical Mongolian script – required
  • Knowledge of English proved by own publications – required
  • Working knowledge of another language from Inner Asia or from East Asia – required

Requirements related to job content:

  • Ability of independent managing of own fieldwork in the countryside conditions in Mongolia – advantage
  • Long-term focus on particular area of Mongolia (focus on western parts of Mongolia preferred) – advantage
  • at least 6 published articles – required

The advantage is:

  • An experience with a work in international projects in Mongolia – in relation to cultural anthropology and ethnology 

Working environment

  • employment in a prestigious institution that received the international HR Excellence in Research Award
  • friendly and inspiring work environment: space for realizing your own professional growth (without predetermined thematic restrictions)
  • openness to suggestions in the field of teaching, science and popularization of the program
  • convenient location of the faculty in the city centre
  • friendly approach to balancing work and personal life
  • stable work environment in a respected institution
  • participation in research in prestigious projects

Employee benefits

  • 8 weeks of paid vacation per year, flexible working hours with the possibility to work partly from home for better work life balance, meal allowance in the salary or for meals in canteens, pension insurance contribution, selected vaccinations free of charge, favourable mobile tariffs Vodafone, Multisport card, sports lessons organized by the Faculty of Sports Studies, the possibility to place your child in the nursery school Elánek near the faculty.

Training and Development

  • Opportunities for training and personal development, e.g., language and other courses provided by MU, use of MU libraries, use of placements and mobilities abroad, participation in conferences, etc.


Please send your application via the electronic application link by 1872023 (please use the link in the Electronic Application section below) and please attach all required documents.  

The following documents are required as a part of your application:

  • cover letter
  • a structured CV with an overview of previous experience
  • copies of documents on education (scans of diplomas)
  • an overview of scientific and publication activities

Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation of acceptance to your e-mail address. After the e-application deadline, you will receive information about the next steps.

If you are unsure, please contact the FF MU Personnel Office: Mgr. Eva Brázdová Urbanová, e-mail:, tel.: +420 549 49 5227


Selection criteria:

  • submitting of all required documents in the e-application
  • compliance of the candidate’s profile with the requirements for the job as stated above

Provision of the required documents when submitting the e-application:

In case of non-delivery of documents when submitting the e-application, the candidate may be asked to provide them at most once by a certain date. If they fail to submit the materials by this deadline, they will not be included in the next round of the selection procedure.

Suitable candidates will be invited to a personal interview, which may also take the form of a videoconference.

Selection procedures rules at the Faculty of Arts of MU can be found on our careers page here.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!


Masaryk University is the second largest university in the Czech Republic, with 10 faculties and a number of other specialized units, more than 6,000 employees and 32,000 students. We are a university with a wide range of research areas in the humanities and natural sciences and a strong international position. Our mission is to provide education and research of the highest quality.

The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University is one of the four founding faculties of Masaryk University and since its foundation in 1919 it has been not only an important centre of humanities and social science education, science, research and development, but also an institution that actively participates in shaping the cultural life of the city and the region.

Traditionally, it has been profiled as a research-oriented faculty generating approximately one fifth of MU’s research volume. The faculty has more than 600 employees and by the student population of over 6,000 is the largest faculty at the university.

Since 2021, the faculty has been the proud holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission.

You can find out more information about the faculty on the website or on Facebook

For information on HR work set according to European standards, visit the HR Award faculty website:


Information about the Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies at the MU Faculty of Arts can be found at: and

Contact person at the workplace for any questions applicants may have about the position:
Mgr. Ondřej Srba, Ph.D.,, +420 549497599


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 캐나다 The University of Toronto ~Jul 11, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

캐나다 The University of Toronto

Sessional Lecturer – EAS110Y1Y Modern Standard Korean I


Course Description: This course is designed to help students build communication skills in the Korean language. Through an integration of listening, speaking, reading and writing, it aims to provide a solid foundation in beginning-level Korean. This course assumes that students do not have any prior knowledge of Korean. Students must go through a screening process conducted by the Department. See for details. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.

Estimated course enrolment: 50 students


Estimated TA support: 210 hours


Number of position(s): 2


Class schedule: Asynchronous lectures (2.0 hours);

LEC0201 In-person tutorials on Mondays and Wednesdays, 15:00 – 17:00 and 17:00 – 19:00

LEC0401 In-person tutorials on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 15:00 – 17:00 and 17:00 – 19:00


Sessional dates of appointment: September 1, 2023 – April 30, 2024



Sessional Lecturer I: $18,915.79 (includes 4% vacation pay)

Sessional Lecturer I, Long Term: $19,861.58 (includes 6% vacation pay)

Sessional Lecturer II: $20,243.53 (includes 6% vacation pay)

Sessional Lecturer II, Long Term: $20,653.23 (includes 6% vacation pay)

Sessional Lecturer III: $20,752.52

Sessional Lecturer III, Long Term: $21,140.03 (includes 6% vacation


Please note that should rates stipulated in the collective agreement vary from rates stated in this posting, the rates stated in the collective agreement shall prevail.

Minimum qualifications: Completed MA in areas related to the course required or equivalent education combined with teaching experience; fluency in Korean required; ability to clearly communicate information required; willingness to replicate the pedagogy and evaluation techniques employed in the regular teaching of this course required; experience teaching online required.

Preferred qualifications: Ph.D. in areas related to the course preferred; teaching experience at the university level preferred with evidence of superior teaching evaluations.


Description of duties: Preparing lesson plans and lectures; delivering lectures and tutorials; developing and administering grading, course assignments, tests, and exams; providing scheduled online office hours for academic counselling of students; and supervising Teaching Assistant(s).


Application instructions:
Applicants must submit a detailed letter of application; an updated curriculum vitae; evidence of teaching in the relevant area, including student evaluations if available; and the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 application form located here:, by email with the subject line “Sessional Lecturer Application” to:

Following the closing date of the posting, selected applicants may be asked to submit a lesson plan based on a provided syllabus and attend an interview with the Korean language program coordinator Applicants will have up to one week to submit the lesson plan (NOTE: In this case, the lesson plan remains the property of the applicant).


Closing Date: 07/11/2023, 11:59PM EDT


This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement. 


 It is understood that some announcements of vacancies are tentative, pending final course determinations and enrolment. Should rates stipulated in the collective agreement vary from rates stated in this posting, the rates stated in the collective agreement shall prevail.  


Preference in hiring is given to qualified individuals advanced to the rank of Sessional Lecturer II or Sessional Lecturer III in accordance with Article 14:12 of the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 collective agreement.


Please note: Undergraduate or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of the University of Toronto are covered by the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 collective agreement rather than the Unit 3 collective agreement, and should not apply for positions posted under the Unit 3 collective agreement.


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본 新島学園短期大学 ~Jul 31, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 新島学園短期大学



担当科目等 :「韓国語Ⅰ・Ⅱ」、「韓国語会話Ⅰ」
《「韓国語Ⅰ」については春学期に週1コマ、「韓国語Ⅱ」及び「韓国語会話Ⅰ」については、秋学期週1コマずつ。 出講日等は応相談。》

〒370-0068 群馬県高崎市昭和町53番地
TEL 027-326-1155














〒370-0068 群馬県高崎市昭和町53番地
 新島学園短期大学 総務財務課 宛




総務財務課 櫻井



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본 愛知学泉短期大学 ~Sep 30, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 愛知学泉短期大学








(1) 修士(又は、博士)の学位を有する者、若しくはこれと同等の教育研究能力があると認められる者
(2) 担当科目の教育内容に関して、一定の教育歴を有する者
(3) 「学校法人安城学園教職員憲章」に基づいて業務を遂行する意志のある者
(4) 教育モデル「智・徳・体・感・行」の下で「建学の精神」と「社会人基礎力」と「pisa型学力」を核にした教育プログラムの教材を開発・実践する意志又は能力のある者で、常に「3つの挑戦(苦手への挑戦・上達への挑戦・未知への挑戦)」と「3つの努力(勉強・研究・実践)」ができる者
(5) 着任後は、本学所在地の近隣(愛知県内)に住民票を置き居住できる者


待 遇

休 日

保 険




(1) 文部科学省書式に準ずる個人調書(履歴書) 1部(写真添付のこと)
(2) 担当科目に関連する教育研究業績書 1部(別添様式1)
(3) 担当科目に関連する最近5ヶ年の教育研究業績(著書又は論文)の実物(別刷又はコピー可)
(4) 学位記のコピー
(5) レポート「学生の学ぶ意欲を喚起する分かりやすい授業とは」(2,000文字、A4)
(6) 担当科目領域で必要な免許・資格等のコピー

※ 必要に応じて、別途資料を提出していただくことがあります。

〒444-8520 岡崎市舳越町上川成28
愛知学泉短期大学事務長 宛

※ 応募書類は、本学の「個人情報保護に関する規程」に基づいて適切に管理します。

愛知学泉短期大学 事務長 三浦直修
TEL 0564-34-1212(代表) FAX 0564-34-1270(代表)




더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본日本外国語専門学校 ~Jun 30, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용
















日本外国語専門学校 J-REC韓国語常勤教員採用係 宛



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본 韓国語教室はな ~상시채용

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 韓国語教室はな


  • 時給 1,023円 ~ 2,000円
  • 大阪府寝屋川市
    • 京阪 寝屋川市駅
    • 株式会社一
  • フレックスタイム制週1日からOK / 週2~3日からOK / 10時以降に始業






人が好きな人 コミュニケーションを楽しめる人


時給1,023円 ~ 2,000円
大阪府寝屋川市 / 京阪 寝屋川市駅

駅前教室➡ 駅から徒歩5分以内








더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본 岩手大学 ~Jul 31, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 ⾦沢⼤学



拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。

1.職名及び人員 准教授または講師 1名(女性限定公募)


3.専門分野 韓国文化論

大 学 院 科 目:韓国文化特論、韓国文化特別演習、総合文化学基礎、特別研究等

5. 任期
准教授採用の場合:任期なし(※ただし、65 歳となった年度の末日をもって定年退職)講師採用(テニュア・トラック教員)の場合:任期5年。ただし、採用から3年経過する日までに中間評価、テニュア・トラック教員としての期間満了日の7か月前までにテニュア審査をそれぞれ行います。テニュア付与については、准教授に必要とされる目標値を達成したと判断された場合に、テニュア(准教授、任期なし)が付与されます。なお、中間評価において特に優秀な評価を得た場合には、その時点でテニュア付与の適格性について審議する場合があります。

6.応募資格 次の要件をすべて満たす者
※ さらに、以下の条件を満たす者が望ましい。

7.採用予定日 令和6年4月 1 日

8.勤務地住所 岩手県盛岡市上田三丁目18-34 岩手大学人文社会科学部

9.応募締切日 令和5年7月31日(月)必着

10.応募書類 以下について原則として電子ファイルデータで提出すること。
(3)主要業績(5編以内の PDF ファイル、ただし PDF ファイル化が困難な書籍等については現物を1部郵送のこと)
(4)上記の主要業績それぞれの和文要旨(400 字程度、PDF ファイル)
(5)これまでの研究の概要及びこれからの研究計画(1、200 字以内、PDF ファイル)
(6)教育に対する抱負(1、000 字以内、PDF ファイル)
(7)これまでの主たる担当授業科目(PDF ファイル)

〒020-8550 岩手県盛岡市上田三丁目18-34
岩手大学人文社会科学部人間文化課程 中里 まき子 宛

12.問い合わせ先 岩手大学人文社会科学部人間文化課程 中里 まき子
E-mail 以外の問い合わせは受け付けません。

13. その他

14. 備考
准教授:50 万円×2 年間 講師:20 万円(2 年間分一括支給)
文系:100 万円(2 年間分一括支給)


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 일본 ⾦沢⼤学 ~Aug 31, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 ⾦沢⼤学



1. 職階・⼈員 教授、准教授もしくは講師 1 名

2. 所属 ⾦沢⼤学国際基幹教育院(外国語教育系)

3. 担当業務
(1) 共通教育(⼀般教養教育)における朝鮮語科⽬の担当
(2) 共通教育(⼀般教養教育)における朝鮮語科⽬の企画・運営
(3) 共通教育(⼀般教養教育)における異⽂化理解科⽬(対⾯授業、語学研修等)の担当
(4) 朝鮮語を含む外国語教育に関する研究・開発
(5) 国際基幹教育院の管理・運営に関わる業務及び共同事業の遂⾏
(6) その他、所属の⻑が必要と認める業務の遂⾏

4. 専⾨分野 朝鮮語教育、朝鮮語語学、朝鮮語関係⽂学、韓国・朝鮮語圏地域⽂化研究

5. 勤務形態 常勤(任期なし)

6. 応募資格 以下の条件を満たすこと
(1) 博⼠の学位を有する者(令和 6 年 3 ⽉までに取得⾒込みの者を含む)
(2) 朝鮮語教育の経験を有する者
朝鮮語教育関係の業績(教員研修参加、論⽂、学会発表など) を有する者が望ましい
(3) 海外語学研修や提携⼤学との連携に積極的に関わることができる者
(4) ⽇本語を⺟語としない場合は、⽇本語での意思疎通を良好に⾏う能⼒(⽇本語能⼒試験1 級)を有し、国際基幹教育院の共通業務及び共同事業を円滑に⾏える者
(5) 英語でも授業ができることが望ましい
(6) 着任後は、⾦沢市またはその近郊に居住できる者

7. 着任時期 令和 6 年 4 ⽉ 1 ⽇(予定)

8. 提出書類
(1) 履歴書 1 部(様式任意)
(2) 教育研究業績⼀覧表 1 部(様式任意)
(3) 研究業績のうち主要なもの 1 点及びその要旨
(4) 教育業績(教科書、授業スライド、ハンドアウト、その他教材等)1 点
(5) 現在までの研究の概要と着任後の計画
・A4 サイズ 1 ⾴にまとめること
(6) 朝鮮語教育に関するこれまでの経験と今後の抱負
・A4 サイズ 1 ⾴にまとめること
(7) 応募者に関する所⾒を伺える⽅ 2 名の連絡先

9. 応募締切
令和 5 年 8 ⽉ 31 ⽇(⽊)【必着】

10. 応募⽅法

〒920-1192 ⾦沢市⾓間町 ⾦沢⼤学国際基幹教育院外国語教育系 ⼤藪 加奈

11. 審査⽅法 第⼀次選考:書類選考、 第⼆次選考:模擬授業及び⾯接(令和 5 年 10 ⽉頃を予定) (旅費等の必要経費は応募者の⾃⼰負担とします。)

12. 問い合わせ先 ⾦沢⼤学国際基幹教育院外国語教育系⻑・⼤藪 加奈
E-mail: FLSjobs[@] ( [ ]を削除してください)

13. その他
(1) ⾦沢⼤学にはサバティカル研修制度があります。サバティカル研修については、 下記の URL をご覧ください。
(2) 職階・給与は、学歴・職務経験等を考慮した上で決定されます。給与規程及び 就業規則については、下記の URL をご覧ください。 なお、給与は、⽂部科学省における新たな年俸制の枠組みを踏まえ、年俸制を適⽤します。
(3) ⾦沢⼤学では教職員のダイバーシティー推進を積極的に進めています。詳しくは下記のURL をご覧ください。



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한국어강사 해외채용 일본 広島大学 ~Sep 29, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 広島大学

Associate Professor or Assistant Professor for Korean Language

1. Affiliation (Appointment)
Academy of Hiroshima University (Institute for Foreign Language Research and
Education: FLaRE)

2. Position(s) and number of opening(s)
Associate Professor or Assistant Professor, one (1)
(Depending on the result of the performance reviews of the applicant at the time of employment, he/she may be decided on any of the following titles: Associate Professor with tenure; Associate Professor/Assistant Professor on Tenure Track System)

3. Date of commencement of employment
April 1st, 2024

4. Terms of employment
Tenure-track position(s) period of employment
 7 years (in the case of a tenure-track Associate Professor being promoted to tenured Associate Professor)
 5 years (in the case of a tenure-track Assistant Professor being promoted to tenured Associate Professor)
(1) Tenure-track faculty members will undergo a tenure review at least six (6) months or more in advance of the expiration date of appointment, and those who have successfully passed the review process will be granted tenure along with promotion to Associate Professor.
(2) Granting a candidate tenure is subject to two reviewing processes: an intermediate and a final review. If a candidate is not granted tenure following the final review, he/she will be dismissed from the university upon completion of the term of appointment.
(3) If a candidate has taken a leave of absence because of a life event such as childbirth, childcare, or caregiving, he/she may extend the term of appointment up to a certain period according to the length of such leave.

5. Field of specialization
Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, Korean Language, Korean Literature, Koreanspeaking Sociocultural Studies, or a related area.

6. Teaching responsibilities, etc.
(1) Undergraduate level: Basic Korean in general education (6 courses per year), and Korean courses in the Study Program for Building Trilingual Language Skills (4 courses per year). (Each course consists of sixteen 90-minute classes.)
(2) Curriculum management for Korean courses in general education (timetabling and course improvement).
(3) Work related to the implementation of education provided by the FLaRE (Voluntary Language Courses, Study Program for Building Trilingual Language Skills, etc.)
(4) Work related to the FLaRE’s educational research (teaching material developments, various projects, etc.)
(5) Administration and management of FLaRE
(6) In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the candidate may be asked to teach other general education courses and/or discipline-specific courses in other
department(s) and graduate school(s).

7. Qualifications
Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
(1) Have demonstrable enthusiasm for and commitment to Korean language education.
(2) Hold a doctoral degree in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, Korean Language, Korean Literature, Korean-speaking Sociocultural Studies, or a related field by the time the appointment begins.
(3) Have the ability, personality, and Japanese language skills necessary to carry out administrative duties at FLaRE in the future.
(4) If Japanese is not the applicant’s first language, he/she must have a high level of Japanese language proficiency (900 or above on the JPT or holding JLPT N1) and Japanese language skills sufficient to write documents related to the administration and management of FLaRE and university-wide projects.

8. Application materials required
(1) Resume. Please use the official FLaRE form.
If you have a history of being employed by Hiroshima University (as a TA, RA, researcher, etc.) in the past five years, be sure to state all positions you have held.
(2) A list of publications and oral presentations. Put * for your 5 most important research accomplishments. Use the official FLaRE form for listing publications.
(3) A summary of your 3 most important research accomplishments. Include copies of those publications. Please type the summary on A4 paper. Do not exceed 300 words for each accomplishment.
(4) A short essay on how you believe Hiroshima University Korean classes can best be taught. Write your ideas within one A4 page.
(5) Documents or certificates showing that the applicant has a high level of Japanese language proficiency (only if the applicant’s first language is not Japanese).
(6) Any other documents/papers, if he/she considers necessary (letters of recommendation, etc.)
※Download the official FLaRE forms for (1) and (2) at the following site:
※For your application, (1) and (2) must be sent by registered mail (書留) as well as uploaded at the following site:

9. Application deadline
All application materials must reach us by [17:00 pm on September 29th, 2023 (Japan time)].

10. Please send all application documents to the following address
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University
1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima, 739-8521, JAPAN
※Write in red “外国語教育研究センター専任教員応募書類在中” or “Gaikokugo Kyoiku
Kenkyu Center Sennin Kyoin Obo” on the package, and send it by registered mail (書留).

11. Selection procedure
(1) Selection will be made based on all application documents submitted.
(2) Interviews will be held as necessary. As a general rule, applicants are required to conduct demonstration lessons in English. Please note that any travel expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants who pass the initial document review will be informed of interview date, time, and format.
(3) Hiroshima University promotes a gender-equal society in accordance with the legislative intent of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.

12. Employment status
(1) If you are agreeable to the application of the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work, you are deemed to work for 7 hours and 45 minutes a day. If not, working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 (from Monday to Friday), with a break from 12:00 to 12:45.
(2) Workdays are from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) in principle.
(3) Holidays are Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays in principle.

13. Salary, etc.
(1) The annual salary system (II), implemented in October 2021, will be applied to the successful candidates.
(2) Successful candidates may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for the trip from their home or former place of work to the new place of work to assume their post in accordance with the relevant regulations of Hiroshima University. For more information, please contact us.

14. Evaluation
We conduct individual performance evaluations for all Hiroshima University faculty members after their employment, and numerically rate their performance; salary and benefits are commensurate with performance indicators.

15. Employer
Hiroshima University

16. Miscellaneous
(1) Probationary employment period: six (6) months
(2) Personal information obtained from application documents will not be used or provided to any third party for purposes other than the necessary procedures related to personnel affairs, salary, and welfare. Application documents of applicants whom we have decided not to employ will be returned to those applicants in an appropriate manner, after the completion of relevant selection processes.
(3) All the faculty members of Hiroshima University belong to the “Academy”, which is the single university-wide faculty organization, and each faculty as a member of the Academy of the University is appointed to educational and/or research organizations such as an individual undergraduate school, graduate school, research center or institute.
(4) Faculty members may also be assigned to teaching and/or research activities in other organizations of Hiroshima University and university-wide projects.
(5) For each specialized field, Hiroshima University has defined minimum standards for hiring new faculty (“the minimum standards”). We use the minimum standards for the initial screening process of applicants, and only those who have cleared the minimum standards will qualify as the candidates for the post concerned. The minimum standards used for this international job opening can be viewed by clicking the following URL link.
(6) HU provides other employment information (research positions, office work, etc.). If your spouse wishes to work for HU, please refer to the following URL link.
Employment information:

17. Contact
Takako YOSHIMITSU, Deputy Director
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University
Tel: +81+(0)82-424-5949; FAX: +81+(0)82-424-6400
E-mail: (delete “%”)


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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 University of Montana ~Jul 12, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 University of Montana

Arabic, German, Italian, Korean, and Persian
Part-Time Lecturer Pool

The Mansfield Center’s Defense Critical Language and Culture Program (DCLCP) is one of the top language training centers in the nation. DCLCP provides intensive language and culture training for members of the U.S. military and other government agencies through a congressionally funded grant through the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO).  The position is located at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington; future other locations are possible dependent upon mission requirements or as determined by the Director of DCLCP.  Due to instruction conducted at multiple training sites, some travel may be required for instructors. 


Korean Language & Culture Instructor will teach Korean language and culture courses; assist in the development of course syllabus and curriculum; assist in incorporating culture and regional studies coursework into curriculum; assist to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum to ensure expectations are met; prepare written, oral, and performance tests; review weekly lesson plans and students’ grades and performance; assist in completion of student progress reports; interact with students on a regular basis to discuss their learning objectives and questions; etc.


While classes are in session, the language instructor is responsible for 5-6 hours of teaching per day and 2-3 hours per day for lesson preparation, classroom management, administration, and supplementary curriculum development. 


The University of Montana is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of qualified people who would assist the University in demonstrating its five priorities for action: Place student success at the center of all we do; drive excellence and innovation in teaching, learning, and research; embody the principle of “mission first, people always”; partner with place; and proudly tell the UM story.


Position Details

  • Position is full-time, 1.0 FTE, Letter of Appointment and includes a comprehensive and competitive benefits package including Insurance package, mandatory retirement plan, partial tuition waiver, and wellness program.
  • Located in Joint Base Lewis, McChord, Washington
  • Salary for this position is $ 57,430 – $72,000 per year.


Required Qualifications

  • Master’s degree in Education or closely related field
  • Must be fluent in Korean as evidenced by any bachelor’s degree completed in Korean language and/or American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ Superior Score in Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) in Korean
  • Must have a valid work authorization for the U.S.
  • Ability to pass a Criminal Background Investigation.


Criminal Background Investigation is required prior to Offer of Employment.
In accordance with University policy, finalists for this position will be subject to criminal background investigations.
ADA/EOE/AA/Veteran’s Preference.
Reasonable accommodations are provided in the hiring process for persons with disabilities. For example, this material is available in alternative format upon request. As an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, we encourage applications from minorities, veterans, and women. Qualified candidates may request veterans’ or disabilities preference in accordance with state law.
References *References not listed on the application materials may be contacted; notice may be provided to the applicant.
Testing Individual hiring departments at UM may elect to administer pre-employment tests, which are relevant to essential job functions.

Employment Eligibility.  All New Employees must be eligible and show employment eligibility verification by the first date of employment at UM, as legally required (e.g., Form I-9).


How to Apply

Application Deadline: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 by 11:59 PM (Mountain Time)

Complete applications must include:

  • A letter of interest addressing the required experience and qualifications for position.
  • A current resume/CV listing education and describing work experience.
  • Names and contact information for three (3) professional references.


*Applying through or easy apply through may result in submission of an incomplete application.  Applications may be removed from full consideration if they are not complete with materials listed above under the “How to Apply” section.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure complete application materials are submitted and received by the date listed above. 

**Please note: only five (5) attachments are allowed per application. Please combine documents accordingly. 

Job LocationTacoma, Washington, United StatesPosition TypeFull-Time/Regular

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