한국어강사 해외채용 말레이시아 IGBIS ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

말레이시아 IGBIS

Korean Teacher



Teach classes according to the curriculum guidelines.
Prepare a yearly scheme of work as well as termly and weekly plans for the classes to be taught.
Work in conjunction with colleagues to ensure an interdisciplinary approach to learning.
Design appropriate learning strategies to deliver the curriculum.
Create a classroom environment conducive to the development of critical and creative learning and appropriate for the physical, social, and emotional development of students.
Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.
Maintain the safety of all students at all times within the school environment, preparing risk assessments where necessary.
Help students develop the skills in the IB Learner Profile
Conduct ongoing assessments of student achievement through formal and informal assessments.
Participate in staff development activities to improve job-related skills.


Degree-level qualifications
3 years of teaching experience in the relevant subject area.
Knowledge of accelerated/advanced curriculum and instructional strategies.
An IB continuum setting, however, teachers who have worked in other inquiry-based programmes will also be considered.
Settings that explicitly promote student well-being.
Settings that explicitly promote innovation, making, tinkering, designing, etc.


At IGBIS, we recognise that to prepare students for our increasingly complex and interconnected world, we must provide them with new ways of thinking and new ways of collaborating in solving our most pressing global issues. As such, our mission goes far beyond preparing students for good universities and successful careers; we want to create globally-minded and critical-thinking innovators ready to re-shape the world for the better. In short we live our vision and mission, as well as our catch phrase “Igniting Minds : Impacting Lives.”

IGBIS Vision:
To provide an innovative international education that inspires learners to make a positive impact on the world.

IGBIS Mission:
To provide an inclusive learning community, embracing diversity by offering a challenging IB education which empowers its members to be caring, global citizens.

“Igniting Minds, Impacting Lives”
Engaging, enabling and empowering the inquiring minds of IGBIS students so that they learn how to become confident, knowledgeable, lifelong learners.
Our students understand themselves better and discover how they can influence and contribute to their wider community. In doing so, they make a positive difference to their own lives and the lives of others.


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한국어강사 해외채용 체코 MASARYK UNIVERSITY ~May 28, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용


Department: Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies – Faculty of Arts
Deadline: 28 May 2023
Start date: October 1, 2023
Job type: full-time
Job field: Science and research  |  Education and schooling

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University announces an open competition for the position

 Assistant Professor 

Department: Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studiess, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

Working time: 1,0 – first three months, after first three months 0,5 

Start date: October 1,  2023

Number of open positions: 1

Application deadline: 28. 5. 2023

The Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, is looking for a colleague for the position of assistant professor with a focus on Asian studies and particularly on Mongolia. 



  • participation in conducting lectures or other forms of teaching in a bachelor’s or master’s study programs
  • participation in leading, consulting or opposing bachelor’s and diploma theses
  • participation in theoretical and practical teaching taking place at the workplace
  • guarantee of selected subjects


  • in general: participation in research and development activities,
  • in particular:
  • individual and team collaboration to solve complex research tasks and publication of results in peer-reviewed journals, scientific monographs or peer-reviewed proceedings
  • active participation in domestic and foreign scientific conferences and professional meetings and presentation of research results
  • participation in the organization of research activities


  • research and publication activity in the project “Changing Adaptive Strategies of Mobile Pastoralists in Mongolia: Dynamics in Community: Histories and Movement Patterns Documented Through Oral Sources” (Junior Star, GAČR)
  • independent academic research in the Czech Republic and a willingness to move to the Czech Republic for work
  • regular field research of oral history in Mongolia


  • in cooperation with other team members: active efforts to obtain grant projects

Candidate requirements:

  • completed university education with a Ph.D. degree in the humanities with a focus on ethnology, cultural/social anthropology or a related field, together with proven published results of research activities – required
  • professional focus on Mongolia and/or Mongolian ethnic groups – required
  • experience with publishing activities – required
  • several years of experience in an academic environment in the European Union, Great Britain or the USA – required
  • active links with academic institutions in Mongolia – required
  • at least 2-year or repeated work at an academic institution in Mongolia – required
  • at least 5 years of experience in field research and oral source research – required
  • active knowledge of colloquial Mongolian (at least at a level corresponding to C1 CEFR) – required
  • active knowledge of the classical Mongolian script – required
  • knowledge of English demonstrated by publication activity – required

Requirements related to job content:

  • the ability to independently conduct field research in the conditions of the Mongolian countryside – advantage
  • long-term focus on a specific region of Mongolia, focus on Western Mongolia preferred – advantage
  • experience with archival research in Mongolia – required
  • at least 2 published monographs – required

The advantage is:

  • experience in a leadership position

Working environment

  • employment in a prestigious institution that received the international HR Excellence in Research Award
  • friendly and inspiring work environment: space for realizing your own professional growth (without predetermined thematic restrictions)
  • openness to suggestions in the field of teaching, science and popularization of the program
  • convenient location of the faculty in the city centre
  • friendly approach to balancing work and personal life
  • stable work environment in a respected institution
  • participation in research in prestigious projects

Employee benefits

  • 8 weeks of paid vacation per year, flexible working hours with the possibility to work partly from home for better work life balance, meal allowance in the salary or for meals in canteens, pension insurance contribution, selected vaccinations free of charge, favourable mobile tariffs Vodafone, Multisport card, sports lessons organized by the Faculty of Sports Studies, the possibility to place your child in the nursery school Elánek near the faculty.

Training and Development

  • Opportunities for training and personal development, e.g., language and other courses provided by MU, use of MU libraries, use of placements and mobilities abroad, participation in conferences, etc.


Please send your application via the electronic application link by 2852023 (please use the link in the Electronic Application section below) and please attach all required documents.  

The following documents are required as a part of your application:

  • cover letter
  • a structured CV with an overview of previous experience
  • copies of documents on education (scans of diplomas)
  • an overview of scientific and publication activities

Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation of acceptance to your e-mail address. After the e-application deadline, you will receive information about the next steps.

If you are unsure, please contact the FF MU Personnel Office: Mgr. Eva Brázdová Urbanová, e-mail:, tel.: +420 549 49 5227


Selection criteria:

  • submitting of all required documents in the e-application
  • compliance of the candidate’s profile with the requirements for the job as stated above

Provision of the required documents when submitting the e-application:

In case of non-delivery of documents when submitting the e-application, the candidate may be asked to provide them at most once by a certain date. If they fail to submit the materials by this deadline, they will not be included in the next round of the selection procedure.

Suitable candidates will be invited to a personal interview, which may also take the form of a videoconference.

Selection procedures rules at the Faculty of Arts of MU can be found on our careers page here.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!


Masaryk University is the second largest university in the Czech Republic, with 10 faculties and a number of other specialized units, more than 6,000 employees and 32,000 students. We are a university with a wide range of research areas in the humanities and natural sciences and a strong international position. Our mission is to provide education and research of the highest quality.

The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University is one of the four founding faculties of Masaryk University and since its foundation in 1919 it has been not only an important centre of humanities and social science education, science, research and development, but also an institution that actively participates in shaping the cultural life of the city and the region.

Traditionally, it has been profiled as a research-oriented faculty generating approximately one fifth of MU’s research volume. The faculty has more than 600 employees and by the student population of over 6,000 is the largest faculty at the university.

Since 2021, the faculty has been the proud holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission.

You can find out more information about the faculty on the website or on Facebook

For information on HR work set according to European standards, visit the HR Award faculty website:


Information about the Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies at the MU Faculty of Arts can be found at: and

Contact person at the workplace for any questions applicants may have about the position
Mgr. Ondřej Srba, Ph.D.,, +420 549497599


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한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

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한국어강사 해외 채용


Roles & Responsibilities

Position Objective

To meet the school’s vision through the objectives of the IB MYP/DP programs. To engage students from over 70 national and linguistic backgrounds in the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards. To participate fully in the expectations of the Stamford learning community that includes supervision duties, 1x co-curricular activity per week and 1x advisory period per day.


The job holder’s responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young person’s for whom they are responsible, or with whom they come into contact will be to adhered to and ensure compliance with the relevant Cognita Safeguarding; Child Protection Policy and Procedures at all times. If in the course of carrying out the duties of the role, the job holder identifies any instance that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm either at school or at home, they must report any concerns to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead or to the Head or indeed to the Cognita Regional Safeguarding Manager so that a referral can be made accordingly to the relevant third party services.

The job holder’s responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young persons for whom they are responsible, or with whom they come into contact will be adhered to and will ensure compliance with the relevant Cognita Safeguarding; Child Protection Policy and Procedures at all times. If in the course of carrying out the duties of the

role, the job holder identifies any instance that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm either at school or at home, they must report any concerns to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead or to the Head or indeed to the Cognita Regional Safeguarding Manager so that a referral can be made accordingly to the relevant third party services.


● To teach classes within the Middle and High School (MYP Korean)

● To work with students who are on a learning accommodation plan and/or require an additional support teacher in class

● To work with English language learners

● To demonstrate through collaboration, planning, and teaching, the IBO framework of concepts within contexts, and inquiry-based learning that is balanced with specific skills of ‘how to learn’, leading learning towards the IB vision and the aims of individual subject areas

● To use and refer to the defined standards in the curriculum and in teaching and learning

● To work and collaborate with colleagues to enrich curriculum and student learning

● To differentiate and target learning to students’ needs and proficiency levels

● To be culturally and linguistically responsive and proactive


● To develop trusting and effective positive relationships with all the students in the classes and their parents

● To establish supportive, collaborative, and positive working relationships with all other members of staff

● To become a positive presence across the whole school and a representative of it within its wider community

Educational role:

● Developing and executing the preparation, planning and delivery of child-centered learning activities in accordance

with the school vision.

● Acting as a pastoral advisor, being responsible for the holistic academic and social-emotional well-being of these students, and in the case of grades 11 and 12, acting in a formal CAS Advisor capacity.

● Building on what students know, and differentiating to meet student needs

● Ensuring that the classroom environment is well-managed, properly ordered and neatly presented

● A willingness to analyze data such as MAP scores, and other formative and summative assessments

● Planning which emphasizes connections among curriculum areas and explicitly focuses on trans-disciplinary skills

and the essential elements of MYP and DP programs as needed

● Planning which accommodates a range of ability levels and learning styles; teachers are expected to modify and accommodate for students as needed, i.e. accommodating individual language needs, student support services,

students who are struggling as well as students who need more of a challenge

● Planning in a collegial and professional manner with peers, showing respect, being prepared and on time, and adhering to the school wide meeting norms and team’s essential agreements at all times

● Communicating professionally with students and families.

● Planning collaboratively for student learning

● Planning which is based on agreed student learning outcomes, in the context of the school-wide program.

● Planning work that builds on students’ prior knowledge and experience.

● Planning significant units of inquiry, to be explored in depth.

● Implementing accurate assessment through the collaborative pre-planning and moderation processes.

● Planning work which emphasizes connections between and among curriculum areas

● Planning work which accommodates a range of ability levels

● Building on what students bring to the learning experience in the way of prior understanding.

● Ensuring a well-organized and stimulating learning environment

● Empowering students to feel responsible and to take action.

● Maintaining constant awareness of the needs of any children to whom English is a second or even a third or fourth language

● Using learning technologies to enhance learning.

● Supporting other aspects of the IBO programs (ex: Supervise Extended Essays and/or Personal Projects) as directed

● Being aware of students’ capabilities, their prior knowledge and planning teaching and differentiation as appropriate.

● Demonstrating an understanding of and taking responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy

● Providing clear and constructive feedback to students and their parents and caregivers

● Ensuring the documentation of curricula units and other planning on the platform and within the timelines set forth by the administration

Extended professional role:

● Understanding and implementing the expectations and policies established by Cognita and Stamford.

● Participating in professional duties as necessary outside of the scope of the school day (E.G. Field Studies trips, professional development on weekends as needed, and after school meetings as required)

● Supervising duties at break/lunch and/or other unstructured times

● Leading/coaching an after school CCA (co-curricular activity) from 3:45-4:30 pm once a week

● Ensuring that students are safe and secure at all times, and abiding by the child safeguarding expectations of the school

● Assisting in internal sub coverage according to department needs

● Providing any other reasonable duties delegated by the School Management Team

Position Requirements

● Ability to teach Korean (in the IB MYP Programme)

● At least 3-5 years of teaching experience in an international K-12 school

● At least 3 years of MYP/DP experience preferred

● International School teaching experience preferred

● Curriculum development knowledge is required

● Knowledge of ACTFL standards is preferred

● Advisory/Pastoral experience preferred

● Highly developed interpersonal and teamwork skills

● Excellent verbal and written English skills

● Having a sense of humor

● Proficiency in using school databases, communications platforms, and educational technology

● Demonstrates the Stamford Values – Courage, Ingenuity, Compassion, Integrity


● Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Education and/or in teaching Korean/English as a second language or equivalent is required

● Professional current teacher licensure or certification is required

● Master’s degree in Education preferred


● Other Stamford Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

● Parents and Students


Working Conditions

● School Environment

● Working hours 8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday (5:00pm on Wednesdays) plus occasional staff meetings and trainings

● School holidays are paid and free except staff days and training days (please refer to the website to see the school calendar with school holiday dates)

Terms of Employment

· Working Hours 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

· Medical Benefits Medical insurance provided where applicable

· Sick Leave/Hosp 14 days sick leave and 60 days hospitalization leave (including sick leave)

· Probation Period 3 months from date of commencement

· Referee request Required

· Background Check Required

SAIS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Pre-employment background checks are mandatory and appointments are strictly subject to confirmation that all reference and background checks are completed to the satisfaction of Cognita, SAIS’ holding organization.

We are an equal opportunity employer and disallow discrimination of age, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, family status, pregnancy, marital status, medical or mental health history, physical characteristics or disability. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates.

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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한국어강사 해외채용 싱가폴 INLINGUA SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES ~May 25, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용


Roles & Responsibilities

Job Description

inlingua is looking for passionate, experienced, qualified language teachers to help our learners achieve the proficiency they need to communicate effectively in languages from all over the world. From group courses, to specialized 1:1 sessions face-to-face or online, inlingua provides a wide variety of teaching experiences. Candidates with the desire to develop their skills and enrich the lives of learners of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to apply to join our growing team of professional language teachers.

Job Responsibilities

  • Lead engaging and instructive individual or group sessions at our school, offsite, or online that achieve a variety of communicative or academic language learning outcomes.
  • Create a positive, motivating and effective learning environment that encourages and supports learners and guides them to their goals.
  • Present a high quality of language and pedagogical knowledge and continue development through workshops and training courses.
  • Create original lesson plans and activities from our materials in line with our syllabi or customized for individual learners and corporate clients.
  • Evaluate learners’ in-class performance as well as checking homework and grading written and spoken production in assessments.
  • Support learners who need extra help to keep up with their group or meet their goals.
  • Enrich existing programs with feedback and development work or help to create original programs for individuals or corporate clients.
  • Be part of a team, collaborating on courses or development and sharing ideas and materials as well as joining in school events.
  • Conduct placement interviews to assess new learners and find the best course for them.
  • Keep records of learner performance and growth and write helpful progress reports.
  • Comply with CPE and EduTrust regulations.
  • Assist in various projects to improve the school and academic department.
  • Assist other teachers with planning, observations, being observed and other peer support.
  • Embody and promote a school culture of passion and excellence, creativity and innovation, integrity and trust, and empathy and respect.

Job Skills & Qualifications


  • High proficiency in and comprehensive knowledge of the language taught
  • Effective working proficiency with English for communication with administrative staff
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Certification or equivalent training in modern, communicative language pedagogy
  • 3 or more years of language teaching experience
  • Ability to effectively manage and lead individual or group classes face-to-face and online
  • Ability to plan lessons and create activities that will achieve course aims
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

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한국어강사 해외채용 싱가폴 ENGLISH EXPLORER ~ May 30, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용


Roles & Responsibilities

Korean Explorer is looking for a passionate and experienced Full-time & Part-time Korean language teacher.

We are one of Singapore’s premium Korean Language schools offering a structured Korean language program using an accredited syllabus from SNU, Korea. Our online and classroom Korean learning enhances students’ language skills much faster than studying alone or practising with friends.

Join our teaching team now!


· To deliver Korean language classes according to our materials and syllabus.

· Maintain Korean language teaching of the highest quality.

· To provide both Private and Group Teaching at the client’s place or in the school

· To provide professional learning advice to both adults and kids students


· Lessons will be either at our School or the client’s place in Singapore or Online via Zoom teaching.

· Applicants who had completed TOPIK 5 are welcome to apply

· Experienced Teacher who has taught this language before can also apply for this role.

Send your resume to info at or apply here

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon

137 Cecil Street level 7 Singapore (069537)


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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Position Details

Position Information
Recruitment/Posting Title Part-Time Instructor – Korean
Department SAS- Asian Languages & Cultures
Salary Salary per Credit
Posting Summary

The School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures invites applications for a Part-time Instructor position in Korean language at the elementary, intermediate, or advanced level starting January 2021. The appointment is for one semester, up to two 2- 3- or 4-credit courses, with the possibility of long-term renewal based on performance and funding availability.

The Rutgers Korean language program offers elementary through advanced levels of Korean language for major and non-major undergraduate students. The successful candidate is expected to work with current faculty members and other part-time lecturers to support our goal of achieving excellence in teaching. Salary is commensurate with teaching experience and is based on Rutgers University salary scales.

Position Status  
COVID-19 Immunization Requirement  
Posting Number 20FA1138
Posting Open Date  
Posting Close Date  


Minimum Education and Experience


Training and experience in Korean language education, foreign language pedagogy, applied linguistics, and/or other language-related areas.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Qualified candidates must have native or near-native proficiency in Korean and English. Preference will be given to applicants with training and experience in Korean language education, foreign language pedagogy, applied linguistics, and/or other language-related areas.

Equipment Utilized  
Physical Demands and Work Environment  
Posting Details


Special Instructions to Applicants  
Quick Link to Posting
Campus Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Home Location Campus College Ave (RU-New Brunswick)
Location Details  
Pre-employment Screenings


All offers of employment are contingent upon successful completion of all pre-employment screenings.


Immunization Requirements


Under Policy 60.1.35 Immunization Policy for Rutgers Employees and Prospective Employees, Rutgers University requires all prospective employees to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated and have received a booster (where eligible) against COVID-19 prior to commencement of employment, unless the University has granted the individual a medical or religious exemption. Employees who are not eligible for a booster at the time of an offer of employment must provide proof they have received a booster upon eligibility and upload proof of same. Under Policy 100.3.1 Immunization Policy for Covered Individuals, if employment will commence during Flu Season, Rutgers University may require certain prospective employees to provide proof that they are vaccinated against Seasonal Influenza for the current Flu Season, unless the University has granted the individual a medical or religious exemption. Additional infection control and safety policies may apply. Prospective employees should speak with their hiring manager to determine which policies apply to the role or position for which they are applying. Failure to provide proof of vaccination for any required vaccines or obtain a medical or religious exemption from the University will result in rescission of a candidate’s offer of employment or disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


It is university policy to provide equal employment opportunity to all its employees and applicants for employment regardless of their race, creed, color, national origin, age, ancestry, nationality, marital or domestic partnership or civil union status, sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, disability status, liability for military service, protected veteran status, affectional or sexual orientation, atypical cellular or blood trait, genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing), or any other category protected by law. As an institution, we value diversity of background and opinion, and prohibit discrimination or harassment on the basis of any legally protected class in the areas of hiring, recruitment, promotion, transfer, demotion, training, compensation, pay, fringe benefits, layoff, termination or any other terms and conditions of employment. For additional information please see the Non-Discrimination Statement at the following web address:


Posting Specific Questions

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Applicant Documents

Required Documents
  1. Resume/CV
  2. Cover Letter/Letter of Application
Optional Documents
  1. Teaching Philosophy
  2. List of Professional References (contact Info)

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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Vassar College ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Vassar College

Position Title Visiting Instructor or Visiting Assistant Professor of Korean
Department Asian Studies Program
Duration of Position Academic year/Full time
Employee Type Faculty
Posting Number F078P
Position Introduction
The Asian Studies Program at Vassar College invites applications for a three year Visiting Assistant Professor or Visiting Instructor of Korean Language from 2023/24 through 2025/26.
AA Statement
Vassar College is deeply committed to increasing the diversity of the campus community and the curriculum, and to promoting an environment of equality, inclusion, and respect for difference. Candidates who can contribute to this goal through their teaching, research, advising, and other activities are encouraged to identify their strengths and experiences in this area. The College is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, and especially welcomes applications from veterans, women, individuals with disabilities, and members of racial, ethnic, and other groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding.
About Vassar College
Vassar is a highly selective, coeducational liberal arts college of about 2400 undergraduate students, located in the Hudson Valley, seventy-five miles north of New York City. Vassar stands upon the homelands of the Munsee Lenape. The College is located in Poughkeepsie, home to a culturally diverse community, and benefits from convenient commuter rail access to New York City. Vassar faculty are committed teachers/scholars who bring research and creative discovery to life for students in classrooms, labs, and studios and in individually-mentored projects. They teach broadly in the curricula of their departments, advise students, and serve on college-wide and departmental committees. The College maintains a generous leave policy, provides strong support for research, and encourages multidisciplinary approaches to teaching.
Position Description
MA in Korean or a related field is required with PhD preferred along with the ability to teach all levels of Korean language. Experience in Korean language teaching is necessary. The successful candidate will teach five courses, including elementary, intermediate, and advanced Korean Language classes and supervise students’ independent work.
How to Apply
Candidates should submit:
-a cover letter
-curriculum vitae
-copies of syllabi of courses taught or proposed at each level of the curriculum (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
-a diversity statement (Additional information on candidate diversity statements can be found at: 
-three letters of recommendation.
Applications should be addressed to Hiromi Dollase and submitted online at For inquiries, email Hiromi Dollase, the Director of Asian Studies Program ( Review of applicant materials will begin on May 5 and continue until the position has been filled.
Posting Removal Date  
Open Until Filled Yes
For full consideration applicants should apply by 05/05/2023
Anticipated Start
Fall 2023
Anticipated End
Spring 2026
Special Instructions to Applicants
All attachments must be in PDF or Word format.
Quicklink for Posting

Applicant Documents

Required Documents
  1. Cover Letter
  2. Vita
  3. Contact Information for 3 References
  4. Diversity Statement
  5. Sample Syllabi

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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Indiana University Bloomington ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Indiana University Bloomington



Department Information

The Institute for Korean Studies at IU promotes interdisciplinary approaches to the understanding of South and North Korea. IU has a distinguished history in Korean Studies and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. This distinction, along with leading-edge resources and faculty expertise in the field, makes us a hub for Korean Studies in the Midwest.

Job Summary

Department Specific Responsibilities

  • Organizes colloquia, seminars, and lectures.
  • Hosts international academic conferences and meetings in partnership with other institutions.
  • Coordinates research projects for all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and professional).
  • Hosts cultural events and programs for the campus community and the public.
  • Administers the Bloomington Sejong Institute program for the Bloomington community and surrounding areas.
  • Maintains grant reports, budgets, and other related documents for proper reconciliation.
  • Updates the IKS website, blog, and social media platforms.
  • Leads a team of volunteers.
  • Promotes all aspects of Korean Studies.

General Responsibilities

  • Plans, directs and implements programs or events, including the creation of materials to support these events.
  • Provides staff communications and serves as liaison to program participants, collaborators in other units, community partners, vendors and the public; approves staff purchase requests; arranges staff travel, accommodations, and research activities.
  • Provides mechanisms, training, and advice on a variety of issues such as budget management software and advanced strategies for timely spending of grant funds. May be responsible for meeting revenue targets.
  • Recruits, trains, directs, schedules, and evaluates faculty and staff partners, students and volunteers. Mentors, serves as a resource and provides guidance to team staff members as needed.
  • Researches available grants and works closely with managers to identify funding needs and potential sources, creates grant proposals that further advance support of the program and program participants; May be responsible for meeting revenue targets.
  • Constructs and administers program budgets and approves spending. Tracks progress on deliverables, analyzes data on projected spending and prepares reports for higher management and funding sources.
  • Keeps abreast of best practices to recommend policies and procedures that deliver a quality program experience.



  • Bachelor’s degree



  • 2 years in related field

Combinations of related education and experience may be considered



  • Proficient communication skills
  • Maintains a high degree of professionalism
  • Demonstrates time management and priority setting skills
  • Demonstrates a high commitment to quality
  • Possesses flexibility to work in a fast paced, dynamic environment
  • Seeks to acquire knowledge in area of specialty
  • Highly thorough and dependable
  • Demonstrates a high level of accuracy, even under pressure
Working Conditions / Demands

This role requires the ability to effectively communicate and to operate a computer and other standard office productivity equipment. The position involves sedentary work as well as periods of time moving around an office environment and the campus. The person in this role must be able to perform the essential functions with or without an accommodation.

Work Location

Hamilton Lugar School

Bloomington, Indiana

Benefits Overview

For full-time staff employees, Indiana University offers a wide array of benefits including:

  • Multiple plan options for medical insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Health Savings Account with generous IU contribution
  • Life insurance, LTD, and AD&D options
  • Base retirement plan contribution from IU, subject to vesting
  • Additional supplemental retirement plan options
  • Tuition benefit for IU classes
  • 10 paid holidays per year
  • Generous Paid Time Off
  • Paid Parental Leave
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Learn more about our benefits by reviewing our online Benefits Brochure.

Job Classification

Career Level: Career

FLSA: Exempt

Job Function: General Administration

Job Family: Program Management

Click here to learn more about Indiana University’s Job Framework.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment based on individual qualifications. Indiana University prohibits discrimination based on age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status. Indiana University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, including employment and admission, as required by Title IX. Questions or complaints regarding Title IX may be referred to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or the university Title IX Coordinator. See Indiana University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination here which includes contact information.

Contact Us

Request Support
Telephone: 812-856-1234

Indiana University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status. This institution is also a provider of ADA services.

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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Berea College ~Jun 01, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Berea College

5월 16일 이후 채용까지

The Berea College Asian Studies Department announces a full-time, one-year faculty position as Visiting Assistant Professor of Asian Studies, beginning August 2023. The teaching load includes three courses each semester in East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, and/or Korean) humanities (e.g., literature, philosophy, religious studies, etc.). Topical courses based on the candidate’s areas of specialization are also possible. PhD by August 2023 and college teaching experience preferred, ABD considered.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement on teaching philosophy, teaching evaluations, sample syllabi, graduate transcripts (unofficial accepted at this stage), and contact information for three references to Review of applications will continue until the position is filled, but for full consideration applications should be received by June 1st, 2023.

Founded in 1855, Berea College achieved national distinction as the first coeducational and interracial college in the South. Berea has a longstanding commitment to interracial education and is one of the most racially diverse private liberal arts colleges in the United States. With an emphasis on service to Appalachia and beyond, Berea enrolls 1,600 students from 43 states and U.S. territories and more than 70 countries. Berea College admits students who are unable to afford tuition and provides all of them a no-tuition promise, valued at more than $178,000. Berea’s students excel in the College’s supportive yet demanding academic environment, and many are the first in their families to attend college. As one of only nine federally recognized Work Colleges, all Berea students are expected to work 10-12 hours weekly in various positions across campus. Berea College was again named one of the nation’s “Best Institutions for Undergraduates to Earn their College Degree” in the 2022 edition of The Princeton Review’s book, The Best 387 Colleges. Berea also appeared on four other lists within the publication: Best Colleges in the Southeast; Best Value Colleges; Best Green Colleges; and Tuition Free Schools. Berea College is ranked #148 by The Princeton Review – the highest-ranked Kentucky college, and the #3 “Best Value College” in the nation. Berea is one of only two private institutions ranked in the Top 10 for Value in the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education (THE) 2022 College Rankings. The Washington Monthly ranks Berea College #13 among the nation’s liberal arts colleges, recognizing Berea for maintaining “consistently high rankings thanks to their economic diversity, relatively strong graduation rates, and commitment to meeting students’ financial need.” U.S. News and World Report Rankings lists Berea as #30 among National Liberal Arts Colleges, including ranking Berea #1 in Service Learning, #2 for Most Innovative Schools, #3 in Co-ops/Internships, #4 in First-year Experiences, and tied for #13 in Best Undergraduate Teaching.

Located where the Bluegrass Region meets the Cumberland Mountains, the town of Berea (pop. 16,000) lies forty miles south of Lexington and is approximately two hours from Cincinnati, Louisville, and Knoxville. More information about Berea College is available at

Berea College, in light of its mission in the tradition of impartial love and social equality, welcomes all people of the earth to learn and work here.

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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 미국 University of Utah ~May 16, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 University of Utah

5월 16일까지 제출 이후 채용까지

Proposed Faculty Rank: Instructor (Lecturer)

Department: 00091 – World Languages and Cultures

City: Salt Lake City, UT

Track: Non Tenure Track

New Position to Begin: 7/1/2023


The Department of World Languages & Cultures at the University of Utah invites applications for a full-time, career-line Instructor (Lecturer) in Korean for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2023. Renewal is possible pending performance and funding approval. The teaching load is three courses per semester. The successful candidate will be prepared to teach Korean language courses at all levels, as well as content courses related to culture. The instructor will function as a team member, participating actively in curricular and program affairs and coordinating curriculum with other Korean section faculty.

The candidate must have an MA degree in Korean language instruction, Korean linguistics, Korean Studies, or a related field. PhD preferred. Demonstrated experience in teaching Korean as a second language at the university level and native or near-native fluency in both Korean and English are required. Experience with instructional technologies, up-to-date teaching methodologies, demonstration of active participation in the professional field, and familiarity with the North American educational context are highly desirable. The successful candidate may be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) depending on their level of qualifications.

Complete applications include the following documents: letter of application, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of recommendation, sample syllabi and evidence of teaching effectiveness, and a diversity statement. The search committee will review applications on a rolling basis but priority will be given to those submitted on or before May 16.

The Department of World Languages and Cultures recognizes the importance of cultural and individual diversity in its educational and training programs and strives to provide an optimal and inclusive working and learning environment for all faculty, staff, and students. This encompasses all aspects of diversity, including but not limited to age, color, disability status, ethnicity, gender, language, veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sexual or affectional orientation, and socioeconomic status.

EEO/Non-Discrimination Information

The University of Utah values candidates who have experience working in settings with students, staff, faculty and patients from diverse backgrounds and possess a strong commitment to improving access to higher education, employment opportunities, and quality healthcare for historically underrepresented groups.

Individuals from historically underrepresented groups, such as minorities, women, qualified persons with disabilities and protected veterans are encouraged to apply. Veterans’ preference is extended to qualified applicants, upon request and consistent with University policy and Utah state law. Upon request, reasonable accommodations in the application process will be provided to individuals with disabilities.

The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminate based upon race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information, or protected veteran’s status. The University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and 34 CFR part 106. The requirement not to discriminate in education programs or activities extends to admission and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, to the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, or both.

To request a reasonable accommodation for a disability or if you or someone you know has experienced discrimination or sexual misconduct including sexual harassment, you may contact the Director/Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action:

Director/ Title IX Coordinator

Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA)

383 University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite

Salt Lake City, UT 84112


Online reports may be submitted at

For more information:

To inquire about this posting, email: or call 801-581-2300.


The University is a participating employer with Utah Retirement Systems (“URS”). Eligible new hires with prior URS service, may elect to enroll in URS if they make the election before they become eligible for retirement (usually the first day of work). Contact Human Resources at (801) 581-7447 for information. Individuals who previously retired and are receiving monthly retirement benefits from URS are subject to URS’ post-retirement rules and restrictions. Please contact Utah Retirement Systems at (801) 366-7770 or (800) 695-4877 or University Human Resource Management at (801) 581-7447 if you have questions regarding the post-retirement rules.

This position may require the successful completion of a criminal background check and/or drug screen and immunizations. This report includes statistics about criminal offenses, hate crimes, arrests and referrals for disciplinary action, and Violence Against Women Act offenses. They also provide information about safety and security-related services offered by the University of Utah. A paper copy can be obtained by request at the Department of Public Safety located at 1658 East 500 South.

Special Instructions for Candidates

Required Documents
  1. Cover Letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Diversity Statement – uploaded as Writing Sample 1
  4. Sample Syllabi and Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness – uploaded as Writing Sample 2
Priority will be given to those submitted on or before May 16

Open Until Filled: Yes


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