일본 토요대학교 東洋大学










募集人数: 1名







給与: 東洋大学の規程による。








1. 提出書類(別紙「応募書類作成要領」を必ず確認のうえ、作成・ご提出ください。)
(2)教育研究業績書(所定書式 )・・・・ 1部
(4) これまでの教育実績と本学及び学部・学科の教育に対する抱負(所定書式)・・・1部
(5) 業績等について意見を伺える方2名の氏名および連絡先(任意書式)・・・・・・1部

2. 応募締め切り:2022年9月13日(火)(必着)
   〒112-8606 東京都文京区白山5-28-20 
          東洋大学白山キャンパス国際学部教務課 宛
          TEL 03-3945-7661  FAX 03-3945-7261

1次選考 書類審査
2次選考 模擬講義・専門分野にかかるプレゼンテーション・面接

[連絡先(担当者所属、役職、氏名、e-mail、電話番号)] ※重要

東洋大学 国際学部教務課 採用担当者宛
FAX:03-3945-7261 E-mail:ml-gi-kyomu-em@toyo.jp

일본 사이타마대학교 埼玉大学



埼玉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科 (学部教育は教養学部の担当) では、「韓国文化(韓国文学・思想)」を専門とする教員を募集します。

(1) 教養学部と大学院人文社会科学研究科における「韓国文化(韓国文学・思想)」関連科目の担当と研究指導。現行での担当科目数の標準は、年間学士課程6コマ(1コマ=90分×15回)、博士前期課程2コマおよび論文指導です。全学の韓国語の授業を担当していただく場合があります。この他、博士後期課程1コマおよび論文指導を担当していただく場合があります。
(2) 留学生支援業務(受け入れと派遣)の一端を担い、本学の「多文化キャンパス構築」に参画していただきます。
(3) 日本語に加えて英語でも授業ができることが望ましいです。

3.勤務地住所等: 〒338-8570 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255

4.募集人員: 1名

5.着任時期: 2023年4月1日


(1) 「韓国文化(韓国文学・思想)」のいずれかの分野の研究業績を有する方。
(2) 博士の学位、またはそれと同等の研究業績を有する方。
(3) 国籍は問いませんが、業務に支障のない日本語能力を有する方。なお、本学は男女共同参画に賛同しています。




常勤(任期なし) 常勤(本学教員の定年は65歳。准教授・常勤専任講師採用の場合は任期な し。助教の場合は任期5年、1回に限り2年の範囲内で再任可。ただし、業績審査により契約期間の定めのない教員とすることがあります。)





埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 埼玉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科支援室教養学部係分室

※ 封筒の表に「韓国文化(韓国文学・思想)教員応募関係書類在中」と朱書し、簡易書留等、配達記録が残る方法で送付すること。原則として応募書類は返却しません。原著等で返却を希望される場合には、応募者の費用負担により返却しますので、返却を希望する旨を明記の上、郵便切手を貼った返信用封筒またはレターパック、宅急便着払伝票のいずれかに応募者の宛名を記載したものを同封して下さい。
※ この選考の実施において提出された個人情報は、本人事選考以外の目的には使用しません。



일본 소피아대학교, 조치대학교 上智大学

上智大学 言語教育研究センター コリア語非常勤教員公募について







非常勤講師 若干名







非常勤(任期あり) 雇用契約は1年ごとの更新とし、最長5年までとする。*雇用上限については、学院の人事計画、カリキュラム編成等により異なる場合があります。上智大学は学校法人上智学院が運営しています。









JREC-IN Portal からの Web 応募のみとなります。上述(1)~(2)の書類を圧縮したうえでZIPファイル形式にまとめてJREC-IN Portal Web 応募より提出してください。





  • 1_履歴書・業績一覧(非常勤・論文審査).docx
  • 2_スケジュール表(コリア語).docx



홍콩 어학원 Stream of Wisdom Language Center Limited

Part Time Korean tutor

Job Highlights

  • Good command of Spoken Korean is a must.
  • Experience is preferable.
  • Must hold HKID or valid work visa.

Job Description

• Responsible for teaching Korean to Hong Kong students.
• Good command of Spoken Korean is a must.
• Experience is preferable.
• Must hold HKID or valid work visa.
• • Flexible hours for part time jobs.
Job Types: Part-time, Freelance
Part-time hours: 3 per week
Salary: $75.00 – $250.00 per hour
• Flexible hours
COVID-19 considerations:
All tutors are required to finish their COVID-19 Vaccination and have to wear mask during teaching.

Additional Information

Job Type
Full Time

Job Functions
Education, Tutor / Instructor, Others

홍콩 항셍대학교 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)

Language Instructor (Part-time) – Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is a non-profit private liberal-arts-oriented university with five Schools (Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, and Translation and Foreign Languages) and over 6,000 full-time students.  Adopting the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, HSUHK is a residential institution which puts quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its highest priorities.   Aspiring to be a leading private university in the region, HSUHK features a primary focus on undergraduate education, top-quality faculty members, award-winning green campus facilities, innovative degree programmes, unique residential college system combining living and learning, interactive small class teaching, very close student-teacher relationship, RGC-funded impactful research, and excellent student development/support services. Listed among the top 200 worldwide on “Quality Education” and “Decent Work and Economic Growth” in Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2021, the University aims to nurture young talents with critical thinking, innovative minds, human caring, moral values and social responsibilities.

The University now invites application for the following position:

Language Instructor (Part-time) – Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures
(Ref: PTLI(CALC) 2022-08-12)


  • deliver taste course for the language;
  • prepare teaching material and handouts; and
  • participate in related cultural activities.

Applicants Should

  • possess a recognized Bachelor’s degree;
  • relevant language competency / proficiency qualification;
  • acquire proficiency in an Asian Language (except Japanese, Korean and Thai);
  • have relevant teaching experience in the language;
  • fluent in written and spoken English and Chinese (Cantonese); and
  • have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Applicants with work experience in the higher education sector will be an advantage.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested applicant should visit this link https://recruit.hsu.edu.hk/ and apply on or before 28 August 2022.  The University reserves the right not to fill the position in this exercise. Applicants who are not invited to an interview within three months may consider their applications unsuccessful.  All information received will be treated in strict confidence, and the data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only.  The Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request.The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee, is an equal opportunity employer.

미국 미시간 주립대학교 Michigan State University

Inst/Ast Prof (Fixed Term) of Korean

Working/Functional Title

Inst/Ast Prof (Fixed Term) of Korean

Position Summary

The Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures at Michigan State University is seeking a non-tenure system instructor or assistant professor of Korean. This is a fulltime, nine-month, academic year position beginning August 16, 2022, and is renewable contingent upon performance. A Master’s degree is required for the Instructor position; a PhD for the Assistant Professor position. All degrees must be conferred by the time of hire.

Responsibilities for this position include:
The successful candidate’s responsibilities include teaching three courses per semester from introductory to advanced Korean; participating in curriculum, program development, and experiential and innovative teaching and learning activities; sharing responsibilities of outreach and co-curricular activities with other Korean faculty; and contributing to the growth of the Korean Program and the partnership with the Asian Studies Center and/or to the College of Arts & Letters as well as the university itself.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or protected veteran status.

Required Degree

Doctorate -Korean Language

Minimum Requirements

● MA or Ph.D. degree.

● Evidence of teaching effectiveness (samples of quantitative and qualitative data from teaching evaluations).

● Two to three years experience teaching college students in a classroom setting, preferably in North America.

● Near-native ability in both Korean and English.

Desired Qualifications

● Ph.D. degree in the fields of Korean language/linguistics, applied linguistics, foreign language teaching and learning, second language acquisition or a related field.

● Be able to offer one course in their own expertise based on program needs.

● Training in proficiency-based language instruction.

● Familiarity with language assessment including the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Oral Proficiency Interview(ACTFL OPI), the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) assessments or Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).

● Demonstrate proficiency in using technology for language teaching and learning including online teaching.

Required Application Materials

● Cover letter detailing qualifications relevant to this position’s requirements

● Current curriculum vitae

● A teaching portfolio (including a statement of teaching philosophy, a list of courses taught, syllabi, sample teaching materials and tests, and copies of official teaching
evaluations, etc.).

● A summary of your experience with diversity in the classroom and/or in your past or planned research endeavors, any experience mentoring diverse students or
community outreach initiatives, and an explanation of how you will advance our goals of inclusive excellence.

● Names and contact information of three references.

Together-we-will Statement

The university is requiring all MSU students, faculty and staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19 with limited exceptions. Learn more at: https://msu.edu/together-we-will/

Special Instructions

● Review of applications will begin May 10, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.

● Shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit an unedited video link (or a DVD) of their language classroom teaching to the search committee chair.

● Applications must be submitted electronically to the Michigan State University Human Resources website http://careers.msu.edu.

● Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation.

● For more information, contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at korean@msu.edu.

Review of Applications Begins On


Department Statement

The College of Arts & Letters recognizes that only an academic and organizational culture which actively seeks out and strengthens diverse voices and perspectives among its members results in true excellence. We are an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. The College of Arts & Letters is particularly interested in candidates of all backgrounds who are committed to the principle that intellectual leadership is achieved through open access and pro-active inclusion.

The Department of Linguistics, Language, and Cultures has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College of Arts & Letters distinctive educational objectives, which promote interdisciplinary perspectives, intercultural understanding, and values diversity and inclusion as essential to achieving excellence.

MSU Statement

Michigan State University has been advancing the common good with uncommon will for more than 160 years. One of the top research universities in the world, MSU pushes the boundaries of discovery and forges enduring partnerships to solve the most pressing global challenges while providing life-changing opportunities to a diverse and inclusive academic community through more than 200 programs of study in 17 degree-granting colleges.

Advertised: Mar 30, 2022 Eastern Daylight Time
Applications close: Mar 30, 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

해외 한국어강사 채용 브라질 SKILL IDIOMAS

Instrutor de Coreano

Dados da Vaga

Descrição: Irá ministrar aulas de Coreano, dentro da metodologia proposta, para jovens e adultos, participar de reuniões de ensinos, cursos de aperfeiçoamento, treinamentos e eventos da escola.
Qualificação: Desejável experiência da função
Formação: Ensino superior e certificações internacionais.
Local de Trabalho: Florianópolis / SC – 1 vaga

Dados da Empresa

Nome: Skilled
Ramo: Educação/ Treinamento/ Idiomas
Descrição: Outras atividades de ensino não especificadas anteriormente.


Kindergarten Korean Language Teacher

Posted 29 Jul 2022Closing on 28 Aug 2022

Roles & Responsibilities

– Able to teach Kindergarten students of all grades (Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2)

– Able to teach students who study Korean as a foreign language

– Prepare lesson materials according to the school’s curriculum objectives

– Evaluate and develop materials for use in the classroom

– Possess Kindergarten Teacher’s Licence issued by Korea Ministry of Education

– Possess Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Licence issued by Korea Ministry of Education

– Experience in teaching beginner level Korean language

– Working hours: Only Saturday morning from 9:00am to 1:00pm

– This position will begin from August 2022 to January 2023

싱가폴 Reeracoen Singapore Pte Ltd  

Children Education Teacher (Korean Speaking) 

Job Title: Children Education Teacher (Korean Speaking)

Our client is a start-up Edu-Tech specialized company. They are looking for an Education Teacher (Korean Speaking) that can provide home tutoring for preschool and infant students.

【 What you will be doing 】

  • Plan, prepare, and teach lessons, promoting the general progress and well-being of students
  • Utilize the provided teaching materials to create differentiated opportunities for deep understanding for all learners
  • Establish and maintain good relationships with students and parents.
  • Provide regular updates to parents on students’ performance and progress
  • Assess, record, and report on the development and progress of students

【 What they are offering 】

  • Annual Leave: 14 Days
  • Medical Leave
  • Performance Bonus
  • Corporate Insurance
  • Medical Benefits
  • Transport allowance

【 What they are looking for 】

  • Min Bachelor Degree holder
  • Min 2 years of relevant work experience; experience in a similar field of work is a plus
  • Fluent command of Korean (TOPIK Level 5 or 6) and English language to be able to communicate smoothly with clients
  • Passionate about children and education
  • Possess a positive attitude and willingness to learn
  • Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Understand children well


We regret only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Additional Information

Career Level



Bachelor’s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree

Years of Experience

2 years

Job Type


Job Specializations


6000 ~ 7000SGD

Company Overview

Reeracoen Singapore Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of ‘Neo Career’ which is one of the most rapidly expanding companies in the recruitment industry in Japan. Neo Career was established in 2000 and is specialized in recruitment service with a comprehensive HR Consulting, permanent placement and IT & Media consulting, with over 2,000 employees across Japan.

We have expanded our business operations into Asia with offices in Singapore, Thailand, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines and India. We are a team of highly motivated and professional members who challenge to build the company as Asia’s No. 1.


Korean Language Teacher

Roles & Responsibilities

Korean Explorer is looking for a passionate and experienced Full-time & Part-time Korean language teacher title as Training & Education Manager.

We are one of the premium Korean Language schools in Singapore that offers a structured Korean language program. Our teachers are certified by Korea Universities to teach Korean as a foreign language or have relevant teaching experience in the local community content. Our online and classroom Korean learning enhances students’ Korean language skills much faster than studying alone or practising with friends.

Join our teaching team now!


· To deliver Korean language classes according to our materials and syllabus.

· Maintain Korean language teaching of the highest quality.

· To provide both Private and Group Teaching at client’s place, in school or via Online

· To provide professional learning advice to both adults and kids students


· Lessons will be either at our School or the client’s place in Singapore or Online via Zoom teaching.

· Experienced Korean Teacher who has taught this language before can also apply for this role.

Send your resume to info at Koreanexplorer.com.sg

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon

137 Cecil Street level 7 Singapore (069537)

Job Types: Part-time, Temporary, Contract, Permanent

Salary: $25.00 – $45.00 per hour

COVID-19 considerations: Mask on at all times in school