한국어강사 해외채용 포르투갈 Universidad Tecmilenio ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

포르투갈 Universidad Tecmilenio

Somos una institución educativa con un modelo único en el mundo por la flexibilidad y empoderamiento que le brinda al estudiante, ya que éste puede elegir su propio programa educativo de acuerdo a su propósito de vida. Sustentado en la ciencia de la Psicología positiva, nuestro modelo de universidad asegura la competitividad de nuestros alumnos en la economía del mercado global e impulsa el bienestar y felicidad de los miembros de nuestra comunidad. Actualmente, con 29 campus ubicados en 18 estados de México y Tecmilenio Online®, ofrecemos 2 programas de preparatoria, 28 carreras profesionales, 8 carreras ejecutivas y 7 maestrías.

Buscamos nuevo talento docente para impartir coreano.


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외파견 정부(교육부)파견 브라질 한국어교원 ~Dec 21, 2022

한국어강사 해외 채용

정부(교육부)파견 브라질 한국어 교원

정부(교육부)에서는 해외 현지 초·중등학교 한국어보급 확대 및 교육 글로벌화를 위해 아래와 같이 한국어교원을 선발합니다.

선발분야 및 인원

1) 파견대상국 : 브라질

2) 파견지역 : 상파울루

3) 선발분야 및 인원

◦ 해외 현지 초·중등학교에서 한국어 및 한국문화 교육 담당할 한국어교원 1명


파견 기간

◦ 2023년 2월 ~ 2023년 11월(약 10개월)

비자 발급, 현지 학교 학사 일정 등에 따라 파견 기간 변동될 수 있음


지원 자격

1) 공통 조건


자격 및 기준


1. 대한민국 국적소지자

2. 국내 체류자(현 주민등록상 주소지)

3. 국어기본법에 의한 한국어교원 2급 자격 취득자이거나 출국 이전 자격 취득예정자

4. 학사 학위 이상인 자

5. 해외체류 결격 사유가 없으며 파견기간 동안 해외 생활이 가능한 자

6. 단신 부임이 가능한 자 ※지원자 외 동반자에 대한 별도 지원 내역 없음

7. 성범죄 등 범죄사실이 없는 자


1. 「국가공무원법」 제33조의 각 호에 해당하는 자

2. 「공무원 채용신체검사 규정」 에 따른 기준에 부적합자(신체검사결과서 등)

3. 「병역법」 제76조 제1항 각 호에 따른 결격 사유가 없는 자

4. 채용 시 허위사실이 있는 서류를 제출한 자

5. 공공기관에서 부정한 방법으로 채용된 사실이 적발되어 채용이 취소된 자


2) 우대 조건

가. 서류 전형 서류심사기준





◦한국어 교육(강의) 경력자

최대 20점


◦학부 및 대학원 전공이 한국어교육 분야인 경우

최대 10점

◦파견국가 관련 학위 소지자

전공 10점, 부전공 5점



TOEIC 700점, TOEIC Speaking 5급, OPIC IM, TOEFL IBT 80점, TEPS 550점 이상인 경우

최대 10점


영어 자격 기준에 준하여 책정

최대 10점


한국문화교육 관련 자격증 소지자

– 정부공인 자격증에 한함

– 태권도(2단이상), 국악, 한국무용, 케이팝, 한식 등

최대 10점



– 교환학생, 연수, 봉사활동 등 해외체류경력

(최소 1개월 이상)

최대 10점

자격증은 공고일 이전 취득분에 한하며, 공인외국어 성적은 공고일 기준으로 2년 이내에 한하여 인정, 제출한 증빙서류 상에서 확인이 불가능할 경우 인정하지 않음

나. 한국어교육 경력 우대사항


세부 요건



①한국어교원 자격증 1급 소지자

②한국어교원 자격증 2급 이상 소지자로서, 한국어교육 경력 3년 이상이면서 강의시간 1,200시간 이상인 자

※ ①,②중 하나의 조건 충족하는 경우

가급으로 선발된 교원 경력 수당 지급


한국어교원 자격증 2급 이상 소지자로서, 한국어교육 경력 3년(강의시간 1,200시간) 미만인 자

다. 특이사항




·브라질 체류 비자 소지자에 한하여 선발

·포르투갈어 가능자 우대


경력인정 관련 지원자 확인사항

경력 인정기관은 국립국어원 한국어교원자격심사 경력 인정기관기준

(국립국어원 :

경력 기간은 한국어교원자격증 취득일 이후부터 공고일 이전까지만 인정함

강의 기간은 국립국어원 한국어교원자격심사 한국어교육 경력증명서양식 기준

※타기관 양식 제출 시 강의 기간, 시간, 과목명, 발급처 직인 등이 명시되어 있지 않을 시 인정 불가(별도의 계산을 요하거나 모호한 경우 경력증빙으로 인정되지 않음)

서류 전형 단계에서 지원서에 기재하지 않은 경력은 인정하지 않음


지원사항 및 근무조건

1) 지원사항 및 지원액












(가급 해당자에 한함)

– 국내교육비

– 출국에 필요한 서류발급비

(코로나 검사비, 비자 등)

– 왕복 항공료(연1회)

– 해외장기체류보험 및 긴급이후송 서비스

2) 근무 조건

◦ 파견지 현지학교에서 주 5일(40시간) 근무, 주당 20시간 기준 수업(현지학교의 상황에 따라 다소 차이가 있을 수 있음. 최대 22시간), 기타 교육 활동

◦ 1일 근무시간, 점심시간, 시업 및 종업시간, 주당 근무시간, 주당 수업시간은 피파견국 상황에 따라 배치기관의 규정에 따름

파견교원은 외 현지 초·중등학교 한국어교원 파견 사 파견교원 복무 가이드라인을 준용하여 근무


선발 절차 및 일정

1) 선발 절차






이메일 지원

– 지원 자격 요건 심사

– 교육경력, 자기소개서, 우대사항 등 서류 심사

최대 5배수 이내

고득점 순 선발



– 파견 교원으로서 적합한 인성 요소

– 검사 결과 면접 및 파견지역 배치 시 활용


대상자 전원 검사



(시범강의 및 화상면접)

– 업무 수행 능력 심사

– 파견국가 이해도 심사

– 온라인 강의 진행 역량 심사

*나이, 학교 정보 전달하지 않음

경력, 자기소개서, 강의교안만 심사위원에게 전달

모의수업 10분,

인터뷰 10분 등

개인별 30분 내외 소요 예정


온라인 교육

– 현지어 교육

– 파견 사업 안내 및 복무 교육, 안전 교육

최종 합격자 대상 필수참여


2) 선발 일정





공고 및 서류접수

12.8.(목) ~ 12.21.(수) 24시까지

한국시간 기준

서류전형 합격자 발표

12.23.(금) 16시 이후

교안 제출 및 면접전형 안내

면접전형 심사

12.27.(화) 10:00 ~ 17:00

온라인 심사

온라인 인성검사

12.28.(수) 11:00 ~ 12:00

실제 검사시간 30~40분 소요

면접전형 합격자 발표

12.29.(목) 16시 이후

합격 시 공무원 채용 신체검사서 발급 및 제출



현지어 연수

2023.1.16.(월) ~ 1.19.(목)

최종합격자 별도 안내 예정

국내 온라인 사전연수

2023.1.16.(월) ~ 1.19.(목)


2023. 1월 말(예정)


상기 일정 및 내용은 현지 사정 및 비자 발급 상황에 따라 일부 변경될 수 있으며, 변경 시 개별 통보함


지원서 제출 및 방법

1) 접수기간 : 12.8.() ~ 12.21.() 24시까지(한국시간)

2) 접수방법 및 제출 서류 : 이메일 제출(


제출 서류



1. 지원서 1부

서식 1 참조

2. 자기소개서 1부

서식 2 참조

3. 한국어교원자격증 사본 1부

(보유 자격증 중 상위 급수 제출)

심사 신청자의 경우 국립국어원 홈페이지 접속. 자격증 심사 중임을 본인 이름과 함께 캡처하여 증빙. pdf 파일 제출

4. 학위 졸업증명서 및 성적증명서

학위 관련 우대조건 대상자의 경우

관련 증명서 추가 제출

5. 범죄·수사경력 회보서

– 공고일 기준 1개월 이내 발급서류만 인정

외국 입국·체류 허가용으로 발급

6. 개인정보 수집 및 이용 활용동의서

서식 3 참조

해당자 제출

7. 한국어교육 경력 증명서

[지원 자격→우대조건] 참조

※공고일 이전 취득만 인정

※언어자격증 2년 이내 증명서만 인정

8. 해외체류 증명서

9. 언어 성적 증명서

10. 문화교육 자격증


– 위 제출서류 순서에 따라 정리하여 1개의 PDF파일로 제출.

[파일명] ‘2022년 해외 현지 초·중등학교 한국어교원 파견 사업 지원서_지원자이름

– 접수기간 이후 도착한 지원서는 접수되지 않음

– 모든 서류는 프린트 스캔하여야 하며 사진을 찍어 제출할 시 인정하지 않음

지원서 접수 후 12.22.() 10시 접수확인메일 일괄 발송 예정. 이메일 오류로 인해 지원서 자체가 접수되지 않는 경우가 간혹 발생하므로 접수확인메일 미회신 시 반드시 12.22.() 14시 이전 문의처에 지원서 접수 확인 연락 바람. 단순 시스템 오류인 경우 지원서 발송일자 확인 후 서류 접수 처리함



□ 본 사업에 참여하는 파견자는 파견 기간 동안 적극적으로 활동해야 하며, 현지 학교의 구성원으로서 성실히 업무를 수행해야 함

□ 성범죄 등 범죄사실이 확인될 경우 합격 후에도 합격을 취소함

□ 비자연장 불가 등 파견 대상국의 사정에 따라 파견 인원, 지원 내역, 근무 조건, 파견 기간 등이 변경될 수 있음

□ 지원자 중 적격자가 없을 경우 선발하지 않을 수 있으며, 응시자가 선발 예 정 인원과 같거나 적을 경우 재선발공고 후 모집 시행할 수 있음

□ 제출 서류 미비, 제출 서류의 위조, 변조, 허위 기재 등의 사실이 발견될 경우 불합격 처리 및 향후 동 사업에 대한 지원이 제한됨

□ 파견자로 합격 후, 사전 연수 불참 및 파견 전 취소 시 향후 동 사업에 대한 지원에 불이익이 있을 수 있음

□ 파견대상자로 선발된 이후에는 개인 사정에 따른 연기는 불가(중도포기 처리)하므로, 개인 일정을 충분히 고려한 후 지원 바람

□ 파견대상자는 파견을 위한 국내 사전연수에 반드시 참여해야 함

□ 파견활동 중 활동태만 등의 사유로 파견 활동 중단 및 소환 조치할 수 있고, 파견활동 중단 시 기지급한 지원금 등을 반납해야 함

□ 심사기준 및 평가 세부사항은 공개하지 아니함

□ 변경사항 및 합격자 공고는 개별 통보(이메일)로 안내하며, 확인하지 않아 발생하는 모든 불이익에 대한 책임은 본인에게 있음


사업 관련 문의처 ※ 가급적 E-mail 문의 요망

□ 해외 현지학교 한국어교원 파견본부 담당

◦, 051-509-5410, 5413


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Northeastern university ~Jan 16, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Seattle Public Schools

Visiting Lecturer of Korean Language and Culture. 

2023년 1월 16일부터 검토 시작하여 채용까지


About the Opportunity

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities is the home of the Experiential Liberal Arts. Through its research, teaching, and engagement missions, the college collaborates across the university, the Northeastern network, and partners around the globe.  We are strongly committed to fostering excellence through diversity and enthusiastically welcome nominations and applications from members of groups underrepresented in academia. Successful faculty in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities will be dynamic and innovative scholars with a record of research and teaching excellence and a commitment to improved equity, diversity, and inclusion. Strong candidates for this position will have the expertise, knowledge, and skills to build their research, pedagogy, and curriculum in ways that reflect and enhance this commitment.


The World Languages Center in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Northeastern University seeks applications for a Visiting Lecturer of Korean Language and Culture. 

Duties include a teaching load of 3 courses per semester (two introductory level courses in Korean and one in Korean pop culture taught in English), customized language instruction offerings, and ongoing curricular and pedagogical innovation. Professional development and service are also expected. This is a two-year full time, non-tenure track with full benefits, and with an expected start date of Fall 2023.

This position will support the University’s commitment to innovation in teaching as well as the World Languages Center’s vision of developing students’ intercultural communicative competence. Candidates should have demonstrated commitment to fostering diverse and inclusive environments as well as to promoting experiential learning, which are central to a Northeastern University education.



A Master’s degree is required, with a preference for a Ph.D. in Korean studies, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, or pedagogy. The successful applicant should be well prepared to teach Korean language and culture to students at the college level from diverse backgrounds, have experience teaching in remote and/or online formats, and possess advanced proficiency in Korean. Preference will be given to those with a specialization in Korean pop culture and/or film. Additional consideration will also be given to those with the ability to teach another language or English composition for multilingual students.


Documents to Submit:

Applications should include a cover letter that addresses the applicant’s interest in and qualifications for the position, a curriculum vitae, a teaching statement, a diversity statement, a model syllabus, and evidence of teaching effectiveness with complete sets of recent student evaluations, as well as contact information for at least three letters of recommendation. 

In the diversity statement, please describe how you can support Northeastern’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Describe how your teaching, service, research, and/or leadership (as applicable) has supported the success of students and/or colleagues; and/or describe the impact others have had on you as relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To apply, please go to and click on the link for full-time positions or full-time interdisciplinary positions, or if viewing this description on the Northeastern University website, click “Apply to this job.”

Please address inquiries about the position to Boris Rasting-Sera, at Review of applications will begin January 16, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled.

Northeastern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educational Institution and Employer, Title IX University. Northeastern University particularly welcomes applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.


Position Type



Additional Information

Northeastern University considers factors such as candidate work experience, education and skills when extending an offer.  

Northeastern has a comprehensive benefits package for benefit eligible employees. This includes medical, vision, dental, paid time off, tuition assistance, wellness & life, retirement- as well as commuting & transportation. Visit for more information.  

Northeastern University is an equal opportunity employer, seeking to recruit and support a broadly diverse community of faculty and staff.  Northeastern values and celebrates diversity in all its forms and strives to foster an inclusive culture built on respect that affirms inter-group relations and builds cohesion. 

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability status, or any other  characteristic protected by applicable law.

To learn more about Northeastern University’s commitment and support of diversity and inclusion, please see


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한국어강사 해외 채용


About the job

Teacher for:

IGCSE Chinesee





IGCSE Mathematics

IGCSE Physics


IGCSE Modern Foreign Languages (ex Japanese, Korean)


Required Qualifications:

 Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree/Post Graduate Diploma/Professional Degree with Major in subject apply

 Required language(s): English

 At least 4 years of teaching experience in Mathematics at IGCSE Secondary Level.


Experience and Knowledge:

 Candidate must show enthusiasm for learning and the ability to inspire the same enthusiasm in secondary school students.

 Qualified teacher status or equivalent.

 Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree/Postgraduate Diploma/Professional Degree

 Must have previous experience and a thorough knowledge of the University of Cambridge examination syllabus.


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한국어강사 해외 채용


LARC Instructor II (Pool)

Type: Part-Time Contract
Salary: USD $32.00/Hr.


Under direction, the incumbent teaches assigned language-and-culture training courses to military personnel. Courses are language proficiency oriented. Proficiency targets are clearly specified per course type and language modality. Languages taught include but are not limited to: Arabic (various dialects and standard), Chinese, Filipino, French, Hebrew, Korean, Indonesian, Kurdish, Pashto, Persian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian and Urdu.


Under the general direction of the Principal Investigator, the LARC Instructor is responsible for but not limited to:

Instructor Responsiblities 95%

  • Planning, preparing and teaching lessons and related instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences;
  • Instructing students individually and in groups using appropriate teaching methods and adapting instructional materials to meet student needs;
  • Coordinating instructional efforts with other instructors;
  • Following the approved syllabus;
  • Planning and supervising course projects, field trips, guest speakers, and other experiential activities;
  • Assigning and grading coursework, homework, and tests;
  • Providing feedback on individual progress; managing student behavior in the classroom;
  • Communicating necessary information regularly to students, the course supervisor, and staff at SDSU-LARC;
  • Reporting regularly on student attendance, progress, and assessment to SDSU-LARC;
  • Staying abreast of current developments and trends in language education and training;
  • Attending professional workshops and conferences to expand their own knowledge and skills to enhance students’ learning experience.

Other Duties as Assigned: 5%



  • Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in appropriate field related to program/project, speciality


  • 2 years of teaching experience OR and equivalent combination of education and relevant experience


  • The COVID-19 vaccine is required by the CSU for all SDSU Research Foundation employees as a condition of employment. Should you be offered a position, you will be required to provide proof of vaccination status. Individuals who obtain an approved medical or religious exemption on file will be required to complete regular COVID-19 testing
  • A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position with SDSU Research Foundation
  • San Diego State University Research Foundation is an EEO/AA/Disability/Vets Employer

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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 University of Michigan ~Dec 09, 2022

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 University of Michigan


Job Summary

The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures invites applications for a partial-term Korean Lecturer I appointment beginning January 1. The effort calculation for each course is 33.33%; the total appointment will be 33.33%. The appointment will be for one semester.

Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future.


The successful candidate will teach one special topics course titled From Truman to Trump: Introduction to US-Korea Relations, including curriculum development, producing quality and innovative teaching materials, and active involvement in teamwork and program affairs.  

Required Qualifications*

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in History or a related field of study.

Desired Qualifications*

Preference will be given to candidates who are familiar with teaching college-level courses in the field of Korean History, specifically.

Background Screening

The University of Michigan conducts background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background checks.  Background checks are performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Contact Information

Inquiries should be directed to

Selection Process

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Princeton University ~Dec 20, 2022

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Princeton University

Korean Language Lecturer

The Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University invites applications for what we expect to be a full-time Korean language lecturer position for the academic year 2023-2024. Initial duty time, and the possibility of renewal after the first year, will be contingent upon sufficient course enrollments, successful performance review, and departmental need.

We seek candidates with a minimum requirement of a Master’s degree in disciplines such as Korean language pedagogy, Korean linguistics, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, foreign language education, or related fields. Applicants must have native or near-native fluency in Korean; excellent command of English; and experience teaching at the college-level in the U.S. Successful candidates should demonstrate exceptional teaching achievement at all levels with both heritage and non-heritage learners of Korean, and be familiar with instructional technology.

Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interest, and contact information for at least three references. Candidates must also provide a web link to a 30-50 minute video of the candidate’s Korean language teaching. Submission of a writing sample is optional.

Review of applications will begin December 20, 2022 and will be conducted until any position is filled. Reference letters may be requested after any telephone/video screenings of successful candidates.

This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.
Princeton University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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한국어강사 해외채용 일본 新潟県 専門学校 ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

일본 新潟県 専門学校教員


전문대학이라는 것 외에 어느 대학인지 특정되지 않았습니다.

・クラス運営 ・学生指導、就職指導
 ・学校行事の企画運営 ・学生募集、広報活動 など

セカンドキャリア支援やトレーナー事業、アカデミー事業等を展開する企業です。 新潟市の専門学校で専門学校生を対象とした「韓国語分野」の科目指導及びクラス担任を募集。 韓国語の指導経験または、韓国語を使用した実務経験のある方が対象です。 韓国語スキルを活かしたお仕事をご希望の方はぜひご応募ください。





月額18万円~30万円 ※経験・資格・前給等を考慮 賞与:有り(4月入職の場合 年2回 3.5ヶ月~ ※入職日による) 諸手当:上記賃金額に含む(住宅手当・皆勤手当・ライフプラン手当・家族手当)


試用期間あり (3ヶ月)


加入保険:健康保険・厚生年金保険・労災保険・雇用保険の加入 通勤手当(公共交通機関の場合:公共交通機関の定期券購入費相当額(上限35,000円まで)


支給有り(月額支給上限 35,000円)




JR 白山駅より徒歩25分 各線 新潟駅より徒歩26分


【必須】 *韓国語の指導経験または、韓国語を使用した実務経験を有する方 *TOPIK6級を取得された方 ※高校韓国語教員、韓国語教員養成課程修了、韓日翻訳または通訳養成講座修了者、尚可









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한국어강사 해외채용 중국 狄邦教育集团 ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

중국 狄邦教育集团


Duties & Responsibilities

Admissions management including providing school info, school tour, and student enrolment management.
Manage student data and support the admissions process.
Produce programmes, related materials and maintenance of website contents and social media to promote the School.
Support events coordination
Maintain relationship with media contacts and provide news updates
To undertake any reasonable request made by the line manager that ensures consistent delivery of service to the School.

Skills and Experience Required

Bachelor degree or above.
Excellent verbal and writing skills in both Chinese and English.
At least two years of relevant or related experience.
Effective interpersonal and communication skills.
Strong attention to detail, record keeping, and process
Strong organisational skills and ability to manage multiple projects whilst meeting tight deadlines


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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Johns Hopkins University ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Johns Hopkins University

Associate Director of Korea Studies

We are seeking a Sr. Associate Director of Korea Studies who will assist the Director of Korea Studies in leading all programmatic priority areas, overseeing high-level convenings and managing substantive content on key issues related to the US-ROK alliance.The associate director will be a key node of the Korea Studies’ team, contributing to strategic decision making in support of the director and in collaboration with other staff. The associate director will collaborate with a diverse group of colleagues across SAIS and JHU. The associate director will also help manage a vast external network of policymakers, thought leaders, donors, and media, which are integral to the Korea Studies’ work. The associate director should have experience and interest in both traditional and non-traditional security issues that are shaping the Indo-Pacific and Northeast Asia. The associate director is expected to be an entrepreneurial self-starter who is detail-oriented, nimble, innovative, and strategic in how to achieve results and impact, and able to lead in his/her own right while also effectively collaborating as a member of a team.

The associate director should also exhibit a strong intellectual capability and curiosity as well a proven skillset including: management skills; experience developing, leading, and coordinating projects and events; excellent organizational and administrative skills; and superb research, writing and editing abilities. The associate director will also demonstrate and further develop skills in communications, social media, budgeting and financial management, business development, grant and proposal writing, diplomatic protocol, and event planning and execution. While the main job duties are operational, the Korea Studies will enable opportunities for the associate director to further develop as a next-generation thought leader, including opportunities for writing and co-authoring publications, as well as speaking at events. The ability to balance multiple tasks under time pressure while maintaining collaboration and communication with team members is key to success in the job.

This position is based in downtown Washington, DC, with the option for partially remote work, and might involve some travel to South Korea.

Specific Duties & Responsibilities

  • Project Management: Steward, track, and implement a variety of funded projects, working closely with the director and designated staff to execute activities. The associate director will lead and execute operational work such as implementing deliverables relevant to the Korea Studies program (e.g., conferences and seminars, study trips, media outreach, publications, financial aid to students, curricular and extra-curricular activities). Liaise with donors and lead on day-to-day management of partnerships, to include developing projects, supporting the director at meetings with partners, and leading meetings and communication with certain partners to shape projects, set timelines, and keep partners up to date on project development.
  • Internal Management: Work collaboratively with one other staff member on a team, with frequent and open communication to the director. Support the director with initiative management to streamline workflows and keep operations moving swiftly and effectively. This includes supporting key internal processes related to publications, communications, business development, financial management, program administration, and partnership management. Lead on certain cross-team administrative responsibilities to be assigned and as needed. Assist in the hiring and supervision of interns and any junior staff.
  • Business Development: Support business development priorities of the Korea Studies program, to include initiating and developing fundraising proposals, researching prospect organizations, developing concept notes and strategy for potential partnerships, and cultivating or supporting leadership cultivation of prospects. Collaborate with the Development Team in coordination with the director to develop new partnerships and foster renewals of ongoing partnerships.
  • Financial Management: Track and manage several programmatic financial processes and administrative tasks related to project management, including developing budgets, tracking project expenses, developing financial reports in coordination with the Finance and Development offices. Execute projects on budget and assure reporting requirements are fulfilled in a comprehensive and timely manner.
  • Event Management: Organize and execute, independently and as a team, events such as seminars and public events, as well as study trips. Manage logistical and operational details such as invitation development, RSVP tracking, note-taking and other duties with close attention to detail. Draft briefing memos and talking points to use for events. Coordinate effectively with the event team and travel agents, as well as other SAIS offices for co-hosted events.
  • External Relations and Communications: Master communications and engagement tools commonly used at the Council, including website design and social media platforms. Support the Korea Studies’ efforts to develop new and innovative ways to communicate with and diversify our audience, including through data analytics and visualization, and video and podcast production.
  • Intellectual Leadership and Expertise: Develop baseline knowledge and expertise of core Korea Studies focus areas and stay up to date on pertinent policy research and news. Provide quality control of content and substantive oversight and input on publications. Represent Support research efforts on publications as needed and contribute with original individual writing and research as possible to reports, issue briefs, or in op-eds.
  • Self-starter: Someone who can balance multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment.
  • Excellent organizational, logistical, and administrative skills.
  • Superior English-language research, writing skills, communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work efficiently and collaboratively with both junior-level and senior-level colleagues and superior interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to represent SAIS and Korea Studies to external constituencies.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Three or more years progressively responsible experience in program administration in an academic environment and professional experience international public policy or politics.
  • Curiosity and demonstrated knowledge of Indo-Pacific traditional and non-traditional security issues, as well as any pressing issues for US-ROK alliance.
  • Willingness to travel internationally on occasion and work extended hours and evenings.
  • Proven project and event management skills.
  • Experience with fundraising, grant application and management, databases, budgeting, and financial management

Preferred Qualifications

  • Three-Four (3-4) or more years of experience and/or master’s degree strongly preferred.
  • Experience with standard social media, content development, and data visualization tools preferred.
  • Professional-level Korean language abilities preferred, but not required.


Classified Title: Academic Program Administrator 
Working Title: Associate Director of Korea Studies   
Role/Level/Range: ACRP/03/MC  
Starting Salary Range: $45,650-$62,850 Annually (Commensurate with experience) 
Employee group: Full Time 
Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm 
Exempt Status: Exempt 
Location: 01-DC:District of Columbia 
Department name: 60004978-US-Korea Institute 
Personnel area: SAIS 


This position does not offer sponsorship.

This potential hybrid position must be worked from Washington, DC.

This position may be required to work extended hours and evenings, and travel to South Korea on occasion.

**Applicants who do not meet the posted requirements but are completing their final academic semester/quarter will be considered eligible for employment and may be asked to provide additional information confirming their academic completion date.

The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. Johns Hopkins is committed to hiring individuals with a justice-involved background, consistent with applicable policies and current practice. A prior criminal history does not automatically preclude candidates from employment at Johns Hopkins University. In accordance with applicable law, the university will review, on an individual basis, the date of a candidate’s conviction, the nature of the conviction and how the conviction relates to an essential job-related qualification or function.

The Johns Hopkins University values diversity, equity and inclusion and advances these through our key strategic framework, the JHU Roadmap on Diversity and Inclusion.

Equal Opportunity Employer

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.

EEO is the Law
Learn more:


Accommodation Information

If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the Talent Acquisition Office at For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. For more information about workplace accommodations or accessibility at Johns Hopkins University, please visit


Johns Hopkins has mandated COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, as applicable. Exceptions to the COVID and flu vaccine requirements may be provided to individuals for religious beliefs or medical reasons. Requests for an exception must be submitted to the JHU vaccination registry. For additional information, applicants for SOM positions should visit and all other JHU applicants should visit


The following additional provisions may apply, depending on campus. Your recruiter will advise accordingly.

The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office.


Note: Job Postings are updated daily and remain online until filled.


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