한국어강사 채용 안산대학교 국제교류문화원 ~Dec 09, 2022

한국어강사 채용 공고

안산대학교 국제교류문화원 한국어강사 초빙 공고

1. 초빙분야 및 자격








한국어교육 및 학생지도


1. 학사학위 이상자국립국어원이 발급한 한국어 교육(3급이상)

  (베트남 및 몽골어 사용가능자 우대, TOPIK 강의가능자 우대)

2. 본 대학 인사규정상 임용결격사유가 없는 자

3. 온라인 실시간 강의 가능한 자

4. 겨울학기 2022.12.19.부터 가능한자


2. 제출서류 (* 3개월 이내 발행된 스캔 본 제출)

  가강사 지원서(본 대학 소정 양식) 1.

  나자기 소개서(본 대학 소정 양식) 1.

  다개인정보 제공/공개/활용 동의서(본 대학 소정 양식) 1.

  라최종학력증명서 및 성적증명서 각 1.

     (* 대학 학력증명서도 함께 제출하며편입학자의 경우 전적학교 증명서도 함께 제출)

  마경력증명서 또는 재직증명서 1.

  바한국어교육자격증 사본 1.

  사건강보험자격득실확인서(해당자에 한함) 1.

  아외국어로 작성된 서류는 본인 날인한 번역문(해당자에 한함) 1.

  ※ 제출서류 중 주민등록번호 뒷자리(7자리)는 기재하지 않거나인식 불가하도록 음영처리.


3. 강 사 료

대학 강사료 지급 규정에 따름


4. 채용방법

  가. 1차 심사서류전형

  나. 2차 심사면접전형 (서류전형 합격자에 한하여 면접대상자에게 개별 통지)


5. 서류접수 기간 및 방법

  가접수기간2022. 11. 22.() ~ 12. 09.()까지

  나접수방법이메일 접수만 가능 (접수마감일 18:00시까지 도착된 것에 한하여 인정)

  다담당자 이메일:


6. 기타사항

  가본 공고에 명시되지 아니한 사항은 우리대학 인사규정에 의합니다.

  나적임자가 없을 경우 채용하지 않을 수 있습니다.

  다합격자 통지 후에 신원조회성범죄경력조회신체검사 등에서 결격사유가 확인될 경우 합격이 취소됩니다.

  라제출서류에 기재된 사항이 허위로 판명될 경우 합격 또는 임용이 취소됩니다.

  마각종 서류의 기재 착오공고 내용의 미 숙지 및 불이행연락불통 등으로 인하여 발생하는

      불이익에 대한 책임은 지원자 본인에게 있습니다.

  바전자우편(이메일)으로 제출된 서류는 『채용의 공정화에 관한 법률 제11조』에 의거 반환하지

      않으며 보유기간 경과 후 폐기됩니다.

  사기타 문의사항은 국제교류문화원 국제교류팀(031-400-7165)으로 연락하시기 바랍니다.


 붙임 1. 강사임용지원서(본 대학 소정 양식) 1.

      2. 자기소개서(본 대학 소정 양식) 1.

      3. 안산대학교 임용 개인정보 제공_공개_활용 동의서 1.  .



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

모든 공고와 관련된 문의는 한국어강사 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 채용 서원대학교 한국어교육원 ~Dec 04, 2022

한국어강사 채용 공고

서원대학교 한국어교육원 한국어강사 채용 공고

2022년 겨울학기 서원대학교 한국어교육원 한국어 강사 초빙 공고

1. 모집 내용

1) 직급: 한국어교육원 한국어 강사

2) 모집인원 : 0명


2. 지원 자격(1~2 필수)

1) 한국어교원 자격증 1~3급

2) 학사 이상


3. 시수 및 계약 조건

1) 시수: 8시간(1일 4시간)

2) 강의 기간: 2022년 12월 14일 ~ 2023년 3월 2일(평가 후 재계약 가능)

3) 강일 일정: 월~목 중 2일 수업, 단 금요일 수업 없음

4) 강사료: 시간당 30,000원(추가 업무 수당 지급)

5) 대면 강의를 원칙으로 하나 코로나 상황에 따라서 온라인 수업으로 전환 가능


4. 제출 자료

[온라인 서류 제출]

1) 본원 양식 지원서(붙임 1~4)

2) 한국어교원 자격증 사본

3) 한국어 강의 경력 증명서 사본

[면접 시 제출]

1) 대학(원) 졸업 증명서 및 성적 증명서

2) 한국어 강의 경력 증명서 원본

3) 한국어교육 관련 업적 증빙 자료(확인 후 반납)

4) 시범 강의

– ‘-아서’(이유) 시범 강의(PPT나 판서 없음)

– 10분 이내, 교안 2부 제출


5. 온라인 서류 제출 및 방법

– 접수 기간: 2022년 11월 28일(월)~12월 4일(일)

– 이메일 접수:

– 작성 서류는 스캔이나 파일로 만든 후 [홍길동.zip]으로 묶어서 첨부


6. 전형 일정

– 1차 서류 합격자 발표: 12월 5일(월) 오후 5시(개별 통보)

– 2차 시범 강의/면접: 12월 8일(목) 오후 4시

– 최종 합격자 발표: 12월 9일(개별 통보)


7. 기타

– 지원서 및 추가서류 허위 작성 시 합격이 취소됩니다.

문의 전화: 043-299-8098



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

모든 공고와 관련된 문의는 한국어강사 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 채용 광주여자대학교 국제교육원 ~Nov 30, 2022

한국어강사 채용 공고

광주여자대학교 국제교육원 한국어 강사 채용 공고


1. 채용내용








한국어 강사


○ 한국어 연수과정 강의

○ 한국어 연수과정 연수생 관리

2022. 12. 26. ~

2023. 3. 8.(10)


2. 지원자격

한국어 교육 또는 관련 전공자로 학사학위 이상 학위 소지자

※ 외국인의 경우 관련 전공자로 석사학위 이상의 학위 소지자

한국어교원 자격증 소지자

한국어 교육 경력자 우대

국가공무원법 제33조의 결격사유에 해당되지 않는 자


3. 제출서류

한국어 강사 지원서(본교소정양식) 1

최종학력 증명서 및 성적증명서 각 1

한국어교원 자격증 사본 1

경력증명서(해당자) 1

주민등록등본 1


5. 전형방법

1차 서류심사, 2차 면접심사(서류심사 합격자)


6. 전형일정


일 자

방법 및 장소



2022. 11. 18.()

■ 광주여자대학교 홈페이지



기 간

2022. 11. 18.()

~ 11. 30.() 18:00

■ 광주시 광산구 광주여대길 22,

정보통신관 4504-1(국제교육원)

■합격 후 원본 제출)

■ 방문우편,


1차 서류심사

2022. 12. 1.()

■ 지원자격 및 경력 적합성 검토

■ 서류 구비 적합성 검토


1차 서류심사


2022. 12. 2.()

■ 합격자 개별통보 및 시범강의 주제 전달


2차 면접심사

2022. 12. 8.()

■ 광주여자대학교 내 지정 장소

■ 시범강의 및 면접


발 표

2022. 12. 9.()

■ 합격자 개별통보



7. 기타사항

서류제출 기간 내에 서류를 구비하여 전자우편 또는 등기우편으로 제출해야 합니다.

방문 제출시 평일 근무시간인 09:00~18:00(12:00~13:00제외내에만 접수 가능하고, 우편제출은 마감일 18:00까지 도착분에 한해 접수합니다.

제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않으며기재된 내용이 사실과 다를 경우 합격 또는 임용을 취소할 수 있습니다.

기타 자세한 내용은 국제교육원 (062)950-3830으로 문의하시기 바랍니다.



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

모든 공고와 관련된 문의는 한국어강사 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 채용 동양대학교 한국학센터 ~Nov 30, 2022

한국어강사 채용 공고

동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스 한국학센터 한국어교원 모집 공고

1. 모집

 가. 모집 분야: 한국학센터 한국어교원

 나. 채용 기관: 동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스 한국학센터

 다. 모집 인원: 0명

 라. 근무지: 동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스

 마. 업무내용: 한국어연수과정 수업 설계 및 강의


2. 지원 자격

모집분야 자 격 요 건 비고
한국어교원    o 한국어교원 자격증(1~3급)을 보유한 자
   o 외국어로서의 한국어 교육 전공자
   o 한국어교육 경력 1년 이상
    – 우대사항 : 한국어교육 석사, 박사 학위 소지자, 외국어능력 우수자 우대


3. 강의 시수 및 계약

 가. 주 15시간미만의 한국어 수업 담당(수업 요일 및 시수 교원 간 조율)

 나. 학기별 계약, 계약 종료 후 내부 평가 결과에 따라 다음 학기 재계약 가능

 다. 4대 보험 가입

 라. 강의기간: 2022.12.12. ~ 2023.02.17. 월~금, 9시 ~ 13시


4. 제출 서류

 가. 지원서, 자기소개서

 나. 증빙서류

  1) 임용 지원서 및 자기소개서(본교 양식)

  2) 졸업증명서 및 성적증명서(학사, 석사, 박사 소지자에 한함)

  3) 한국어교원 자격증

  4) 경력증명서(지원서에 기록한 경력 모두)


5. 서류접수

 가. 제출 기간: 2022년 11월 30일(수) 16:00 까지 (우편물은 도착분에 한함)

 나. 제출 방법

  1) 방문 접수: 동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스 대학본부 1층 112호 학생지원센터

  2) 우편 접수: 경기도 동두천시 평화로 2741 동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스 대학본부 1층 112호 학생지원센터

  3) e-mail접수:


6. 전형 방법

 가. 1차 서류 전형

    – 합격자 발표 : 2022년 12월 1일(목)

 나. 2차 면접

    – 발표 일정: 1차 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별통지

 다. 최종 합격자 발표 : 합격자에 한하여 개별 통지

    * 일정은 센터 내부사정에 따라 변경될 수 있음


7. 기타 유의 사항

 가. 제출 서류의 내용이 허위로 밝혀질 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있음

 나. 적격자가 없을 경우에는 채용하지 않을 수 있음

 다. 지원 서류는 반환하지 않음


8. 문의처

 – 동양대학교 동두천캠퍼스 한국학센터(031-839-9143)


9. 붙임서류

 가. 임용 지원서 서식 1부.

 나. 자기소개서 서식 1부.

 다. 개인정보 수집∙이용 동의서 1부.



더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

모든 공고와 관련된 문의는 한국어강사 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.

한국어강사 해외채용 미국 University of California, Berkeley~Dec 02, 2022

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 University of California, Berkeley

Lecturer Pool – Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan Languages- East Asian Languages & Cultures


Position title: Lecturer

Salary range: Starting at $56,945; salary commensurate with experience.
Percent time: Part-time or Full-time; 33 – 100%
Anticipated start: Spring, Summer and Fall. Applications are typically reviewed for summer session course needs in April, fall course needs in May, and in November – January for spring course needs. December – April for summer course needs.
Position duration: Semester


Open date: December 2, 2021

Most recent review date: Monday, May 9, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications received after this date will be reviewed by the search committee if the position has not yet been filled.

Final date: Friday, Dec 2, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.


The department of East Asian Languages & Cultures at the University of California, Berkeley, invites application of a pool of qualified temporary non-tenure track lecturer positions to teach courses in introductory, intermediate and advanced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Tibetan should the need arise.

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are core values of the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures. We believe that our excellence can only be fully realized by faculty, students, and staff who share fully our commitment to these values.

UC Berkeley is prepared to implement hybrid and/or flexible modes of instruction as public health conditions dictate. Remote instruction may be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of both. Instructors must have internet access and be prepared to adjust pedagogical approaches with a remote setting and use new teaching tools.

Responsibilities include (but are not limited to): teaching, holding office hours, assigning grades, preparing course materials, maintaining a course website and compiling teaching materials and interacting with students via email and/bCourses, and Zoom instructional software.


Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Advanced degree (or equivalent international degree) or enrolled in an advanced degree (or equivalent international degree) program.

Additional qualifications (required at time of start)

Advanced degree. For those who are not US citizens or permanent residents, a legal permit that allows work in the United States (such as a US visa that allows employment) is required by the start date of the position. The department is unable to provide a visa/work permit.

Preferred qualifications

MA degree (or equivalent international degree) in teaching Japanese, Chinese, Korean , Tibetan as a foreign language, linguistics, second language acquisition, literature or related field. Experience with computer-assisted language learning and language instructional software, and online instruction. Native or near-native fluency in the target language. English fluency. Demonstrated experience teaching Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Tibetan language, preferably in a college or university setting.


Document requirements
  • Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V.

  • Cover Letter

  • Statement of Teaching

  • Sample Syllabus (Optional)

Reference requirements
  • 2-4 required (contact information only)

Help contact:


Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are core values at UC Berkeley. Our excellence can only be fully realized by faculty, students, and academic and non-academic staff who share our commitment to these values. Successful candidates for our academic positions will demonstrate evidence of a commitment to advancing equity, inclusion, and belonging.

The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy see:

In searches when letters of reference are required all letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality ( prior to submitting their letter.

As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the University of California SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program Policy. All Covered Individuals under the policy must provide proof of Full Vaccination or, if applicable, submit a request for Exception (based on Medical Exemption, Disability, and/or Religious Objection) or Deferral (based on pregnancy) no later than the applicable deadline. Please refer to Appendix F, Section II.C. of the policy for the deadlines applicable to new University of California employees. (Capitalized terms in this paragraph are defined in the policy.) Federal, state, or local public health directives may impose additional requirements.

Positions that are represented by a collective bargaining unit or agent have particular contracts. For more information, please refer to the relevant contract: Lecturer contractPostdoctoral contractResearch Series contract, and Librarian contract. Questions about represented positions can be directed to the hiring unit.


Berkeley, CA

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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Stanford University ~채용까지

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미국 Stanford University

Faculty Appointment in Korean Studies

Work type: Non-Tenure Line (Research), Policy Institute Fellows
Location: Stanford University
Categories: Dean of Research

Stanford University seeks candidates for two new faculty positions in Korean Studies. The successful candidates will have expertise in the social sciences and Korea will be a principal focus of their academic research. The successful candidates will be expected to advance research and education on Korea, in the Korea Program of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC). This is an open search.

The new faculty members will be appointed as freestanding Senior or Center Fellows in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) affiliated with APARC. Senior Fellows at Stanford University are full members of the Academic Council, with a rank equivalent to tenured associate or full professor and a continuing term. Center Fellows at Stanford University are also members of the Professoriate and the Academic Council. Joint appointments with other schools may be considered based on candidate credentials.

Applicants should possess an exceptional record of research and publication, strong interest in policy engagement, and a demonstrated commitment to mentoring and teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Application packages should be submitted online and include the following documents: 1) a curriculum vitae; 2) a research statement (up to 3 pages); 3) a diversity statement that demonstrates the applicant’s commitment and potential to contribute to Stanford’s goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion through personal experience or perspective, scholarship, teaching, or service (1 page); 4) a statement of teaching interests (1 page); and 5) a cover letter. Junior candidates should provide the names of three references (Senior candidates may enter N/A).

The first review of applications will begin on January 9, 2023. Questions regarding this application may be directed to Patrick Laboon.

Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Stanford welcomes applications from all who would bring additional dimensions to the University’s research, teaching and clinical missions.

Advertised: Pacific Standard Time
Applications close: –


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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Centralia Elementary School District ~Dec 6, 2022

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미국 Centralia Elementary School District

Bilingual Instructional Assistant – Korean

Requirements / Qualifications

Please submit required documents as attachments online: 1) 1 Letter of Recommendation (1 within the last 2 years) 2) Proof of HS Diploma or GED (can be substituted for higher degree) 3) If you have at least 48 units or credit hours of college coursework, please include unofficial transcripts or copy of degree. In order to be considered, you must include all of the required documents. Centralia School District will not accept attachments via fax, walk in, or emails. If you are having difficulties adding attachments to your application or any other questions, please contact the Edjoin help desk at (888) 900-8945 for assistance. ONLY COMPLETE PACKETS WILL BE CONSIDERED

If you do not have at least 48 college units coursework you will be required to pass a Highly Qualified assessment test provided by the District. A study guide may be picked up with the receptionist at our District Office.

Comments and Other Information

The district office hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and closed from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Monday – Friday. The address is 7300 La Palma Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620 If selected for the position you will need to complete the department of justice criminal background check prior to employment. Cost for this background check is $57.00 to be paid for by the applicant.
Application Deadline

12/6/2022 3:30 PM Pacific

Date Posted
Laura Chang
Number of Openings
$17.90 to $21.78 (Current Salary Range 10/6 steps)
Length of Work Year
10 Month Position
Employment Type
Part Time
8:30am – 1:30pm 5 hrs/day Monday – Friday; hours may change
Position includes sick leave and vacation pay; NO MEDICAL BENEFITS



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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Anaheim Union High School District ~Nov 25, 2022

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미국 Anaheim Union High School District

Temporary Korean Teacher (2022-2023)





1. Meets and instructs those classes and pupils assigned in the location and at the time designated.
2. Develops and maintains a classroom environment conducive to effective learning within the limits of the resources provided by the District.
3. Prepares for classes assigned and shows written evidence of preparation if requested by a reasonable time in advance by the immediate supervisor.
4. Assists pupils and administrators to set, establish, and maintain acceptable school and classroom behavior and standards.
5. Applies a wide variety of instructional techniques and instructional media, consistent with the physical limitations of the location provided, applicable to individuals or groups of pupils of varying capabilities identified by valid analysis.
6. Implements by instruction and action the District’s “Philosophy of Education” and the District, school, and class goals and objectives.
7. Takes necessary and reasonable precautions to protect pupils, equipment, materials, and school plant.
8. Utilizes scheduled conference-preparation periods for on-site instructional support activities including evaluation of pupils and supporting record keeping, home-school communications regarding pupil progress and the instructional programs, intra-staff coordination of education programs, lesson preparation, individual pupil-teacher counseling when appropriate, and when requested by the principal or designee, duties occasioned by exigency.
9. Provide for continuous evaluation of pupil progress consistent with teacher, school and District established instructional objectives, goals, and policy.
10. Maintains accurate and correct records as required by law, District Policy and Administration Regulation.
11. Assists in upholding and enforcing school rules, Administrative regulations, Board Policies, Title V, and the Education Code, and Procedures for Evaluations of Certificated Personnel.
12. Works to establish and maintain open lines of communication with students and their parents concerning both the broad academic and behavioral progress of all assigned students.
13. Makes himself/herself available for educational services when required or when requested by the principal or designee.
14. Provides professional input by attending and participating in called meetings. Adequate advance notice to be given.
15. Cooperates with other members of the staff in planning the instructional objectives and goals for the pupils.
16. Plans for, directs, supervises and evaluates the activities of classified personnel assigned to the teacher under supervision of the principal or designee.
17. Assists in the selection of books, equipment, and other instructional materials within the school or department.
18. Accepts assignment of reasonable share of other duties required to be performed by certificated employees as an adjunct to their regular duties.
19. During conference period, covers classes of other teachers as assigned by the principal or designee, when the principal or designee determines that a special need exists.
20. Performs other job related duties as required to assure the safety, health, and security of students and employees.

Requirements / Qualifications

This assignment requires a Single Subject (Preliminary or Clear) Korean

Only Online Applications will be accepted. Please address your letter of introduction to Dr. Scott Jensen

  • Credential Copy (Korean)
  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation (3)
  • Resume

Comments and Other Information

Please do not contact the District Office for application updates. Communication with candidates selected for interviews will be through spark hire or by email. Anaheim Union High School District prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of district employees and job applicants on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, gender, sex or sexual orientation at a district site or activity. Initial Salary Placement: Initial placement for years of experience is based on the following: 1. A maximum of six (6) years of experience as a credentialed public school employee (excluding emergency permits and internship credentials), having worked a minimum of 75% of each work year. 2. A maximum of six (6) years of experience as a credentialed private school employee (excluding emergency permits and internship credentials), in a WASC accredited private school, having worked a minimum of 75% of each work year A total of 6 years of outside experience will be accepted. This position will be provided a temporary contract for the school year.

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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 City University of Seattle ~Dec 31, 2022

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미국 City University of Seattle

Washington Academy of Languages: World Language Instructors (Korean)

About City University of Seattle:

City University of Seattle (CityU) is a distinguished and comprehensive private nonprofit university and an affiliate of the National University System. We are dedicated to providing accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners. As a pioneer in digital learning, we have been delivering online education for over 40 years. CityU is ranked by the U.S. News & World Report among the top for online bachelor’s degree programs, and among the top online programs for veterans in the U.S. CityU prides itself on having a completion rate of twice the national average according to data from the Chronicle of Higher Education.

CityU has over 20 locations in the Northwest and worldwide. Many of our degree, certificate and endorsement programs are offered online, in-person, mixed-mode and in performance-based formats. Aside from its flagship campus and headquarters in Seattle, CityU offers programs in Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Vietnam.


Job Description:

Washington Academy of Languages (WAL), a division of City University of Seattle (CityU), is one of the oldest non-profit organizations promoting foreign language learning in the Seattle area.

We are currently looking for part-time Persian World Language Instructors for anticipated upcoming vacancies. This position will teach out of our Seattle location.

Job Summary:

Part-time Teaching Faculty at City University of Seattle have three key responsibilities:

  1. Striving for excellence in teaching and learning,
  2. Fostering student development, and
  3. Maintaining currency in their profession.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:           
  1. Teaching assigned classes, according to established WAL course outlines and curriculum.
  2. Providing course syllabi for each class taught and generating lesson plans, learning assessments, and other required documents within the guidelines of our World Languages Program.
  3. Reviewing student work, providing feedback and returning assignments in a timely manner.
  4. Staying current with the latest teaching approaches including technological language support.
  5. Working collaboratively with other World Language instructors and staff.
  6. Attend regularly scheduled staff meetings.



Minimum Qualifications:

To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

  • Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university required; master’s degree preferred.
  • Degree/certificate in language teaching preferred.
  • Native language speaker, or equivalent fluency in language applying to teach.
  • Three to five years of language teaching experience required.
  • Must have a flexible schedule.


Additional Information:

Position Details:
  • Part-time positions at WAL are session-contracted positions contingent upon enrollment, student placements, and program needs.
  • Part-time teaching assignments generally consist of 2-8 hours per week, depending on enrollment and program needs. Compensation is $40.00 per hour for classroom instruction.
  • Our programs take place at various times of the day between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm (with majority of World language classes meeting between 6:30 pm  – 8:30 pm).


Application Instructions:

City University of Seattle accepts applications through this online process only. For consideration, please submit a complete application packet. A complete application is one that includes:

  • Completed Electronic Application Form
  • Resume

Once you have created a profile, please remember to record your password. If you use the ‘Help Desk’ feature, responses will be sent to your Interview Exchange account. Candidates with qualifications and experience most aligned with current needs will be contacted by a hiring manager. Once the position is filled, you will see a status update in your account profile.

If you encounter technical problems while applying for a position, please use the ‘Help Desk’ feature in your Interview Exchange account to submit the issue to technical support. For non-technical issues or questions, please email

City University of Seattle is an equal opportunity employer and is continuously working to build a diverse faculty and staff. City University strongly encourages inquiries from all qualified individuals interested in becoming part of the CityU team, including women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities.



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한국어강사 해외채용 미국 Nassau Community College ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 Nassau Community College

About Nassau Community College:

Nassau Community College (NCC), a member of the State University of NY (SUNY) system of Colleges and Universities, is a diverse and multi-cultural campus. NCC provides equal employment opportunity and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, marital, or veteran status. NCC promotes positive efforts in recruitment to achieve equity and inclusion and is conducting a search to fill anticipated staff and administrative vacancies. All vacancies are filled pending budget approval.


Job Description:

Teaching Beginning Korean I and II courses



Bachelor’s Degree (BA) with at least one year teaching experience; and Native or near native fluency in the target language; and a minimum of one year experience in current technology and Learning Management System (e.g. Blackboard, iLrn, VHL Central, MySpanishLab, etc.) in Foreign Language instruction.


Additional Information:

Meeting minimum qualification degree requiremnent

College-level teaching experience


Application Instructions:

Meeting minimum qualification degree requiremnent

College-level teaching experience

If you are interested in applying for this position, please create an NCC Employment Account by clicking on the APPLY NOW button. Upload the following documents, which are required for consideration:

Resume or Curriculum vitae and Cover Letter or Letter of Application

Credentials accepted electronically. Multiples and phone calls for the same position will delay the process. Self-photographs before hiring are discouraged. position 

Nassau Community College is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer



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