한국어강사 해외채용 미국 헴스테드 한글학교~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

미국 헴스테드 한글학교


롱아일랜드 햄스테드 (Hempstead, NY)에 위치한 한글학교에서 교사를 모집합니다.

가을학기와 봄학기로 구성되고 12주씩 매주 토요일마다 오전 9시부터 1시까지 수업을 합니다.


유치반이나 저학년 아이들의 기본 한글 수업 경험, 또는

한글교사 자격증 소지 후 유경험자, 또는

한국어 교사 경력 2년 이상자, 또는

유치원/유아원 교사 경력,

마지막으로 어린이를 사랑하며 예수님의 사랑을 전할 수 있는 있는 분을 찾습니다.

관심있으신 분은 이메일 로 이력서 보내시거나 전화/문자 (516-784-7711) 주세요.


$28/hour 부터 ~


아이 돌봄, 한글 수업 커리큘럼 구성, 한국 문화수업


한국어와 영어로 기본 한글 수업을 진행할 수 있는 분을 찾습니다.


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 확인하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 싱가폴 Preschool ~08 Sep, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

싱가폴 Preschool 채용대행 Cadmus

Roles & Responsibilities

  • International Preschool Brand
  • Presence in More Than 12 Countries Worldwide


  • To teach the Korean Language to preschool children.
  • Responsible for all aspects of classroom management eg. Care of equipment with resources well-labelled and accessible and maintain a tidy, well organised room.
  • To create an interesting and lively classroom which promotes independent learning.
  • To assist in developing a Korean curriculum.
  • Translation, design of promotional advertising materials in Korean, if needed.
  • To assist in marketing and promotion of school to reach the Korean community by Parental liaison, phone enquiries, assist in the promotion of school by liaising with prospective parents
  • Answering email enquiries from Korean parents.


  • Minimum Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education or Korean Teacher Certificate from a recognised institution in Korea, or its equivalent,
  • At least 2 years of relevant working experience in pre-school or childcare setting is required
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Able to work well independently as well as within a team

To apply, please submit your detailed CV with the following details for faster processing:

  • Reason for leaving
  • Expected salary
  • Earliest availability date

더 자세한 내용은 원문을 확인하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 폴란드 University of Wroclaw ~31st Aug, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용


Offer Description

University of Wroclaw invites applications for the position of assistant professor atthe Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies,Faculty of Letters

Competition No 105.2023.ISKŚiO.WF.ER of 7 July 2023

Faculty: Faculty of Letters

Position: assistant professor

Number of vacancies: 1

Type of position: research and teaching

  • in discipline: literary studies/linguistics/history
  • in research field: the human sciences

Type of contract: full-time

Expected job-starting date: 1 October 2023

Employment period: temporary

Application deadline: 31 August 2023

Competition results due: by 28 September 2023

Applications are invited from the candidates who meet the statutory requirements specified in the Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (JoL 2018, item 1668 as amended) and the Statute of the University of Wrocław .

Terms and requirements

The eligible candidate must:

  • Be a holder of a PhD degree in the human sciences.
  • Possess expertise in and have done research on Korea in the context of literary studies, linguistics or history.
  • Have a track record of raising funds for research.
  • Have a work record documenting their experience in teaching at university, therein courses in, for example Korean linguistics or Korean literature.
  • Have a specified plan of scholarly development.
  • Have a command of Korean and English sufficient for effective communication in academic teaching settings and in scholarly discourse.
  • Have a sufficient command of the Polish language to teach courses in this language (if the successful candidate indeed teaches such courses).
  • Be prepared to teach Korean language classes and be dedicated to popularising knowledge about Korea, these being additional criteria to be taken into account by the Panel as related to the academic goals of the Korean Section and the teaching needs of the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies.


  • Conducting research in the discipline of literary studies, linguistics, or history. Applying for internal, national and international grants in accordance with the criteria defined by the competent Discipline Council.
  • Teaching courses in conjunction with the implementation and organisation of the teaching process in the scope and quantity defined for the position of Assistant Professor by the current normative by-laws of the University of Wrocław.
  • Execution of other responsibilities and activities related to the implementation and organisation of the teaching process as assigned by the Head of the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies or the Head of the Korean Section, in particular serving as a tutor to student groups, an examiner on the admission board, a co-organiser of examinations, etc.
  • In organisation: involvement in the organisation of conferences, outreach and science-popularisation events and in organisational work for the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies and for the Korean Section.

The application must include:

  • Personal questionnaire (https: //
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • A photocopy of the diploma confirming obtaining the academic degree of doctor.
  • Statement whether the University of Wroclaw will be the primary place of work in the case of winning the competition (https: //…).
  • Declaration of the discipline in which the candidate will conduct research and in the case of people conducting research in more than one discipline the percentage of their involvement in each of these disciplines (https: //…).
  • Self-presentation (information about scientific, organizational, and other achievements).
  • List scientific publications in the last ten years.
  • Electronic versions of the two most important publications that the candidate considers representative of his or her scientific achievements or an explanation of the lack of them.
  • Application for employment addressed to HM Rector.
  • Declaration – article 113 the Law on Higher Education and Science (https: //
  • Information on the candidate’s research plans (a project depicting the object and aims of research).
  • Other documents supporting the candidate’s application, optionally.

The CV should include the following note: I consent, within the meaning of Articles 4 and 7 of RODO, i.e. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the EU L of 4.05.2016, pp. 1-88), to the processing of my personal data by the University of Wrocław, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, for the purpose of recruitment for employment at the University of Wrocław. I am aware that the consent given may be withdrawn at any time in a manner appropriate to its giving.

All the documents should be send only in an electronic form to the following address: with the subject of the message: “assistant professor.105.ISKŚiA.WF.

Additional information:

  • The University of Wrocław reserves the right to contact only selected candidates.
  • Selected candidates may be required to undergo an interview by means of electronic communication allowing audio and video transmission.
  • The University of Wrocław reserves the right to close the competition without selecting a candidate.
  • The University of Wrocław reserves the right to cancel the competition.
  • The University of Wrocław does not provide housing.

Information clause for persons participating in the recruitment process:

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, RODO), we inform you that:

  • The administrator of your personal data is the University of Wrocław based in Wrocław, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.
  • The Data Protection Officer at the University of Wrocław is dr Krzysztof Ziemba, email address:
  • Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of recruitment to work at the University of Wrocław. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the fulfilment of the Administrator’s legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR) in conjunction with Article 22(1) of the Polish Labour Code and Article 119 of the Higher Education and Science Act, the necessity to take action before entering into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR) and your consent (Article 6(1)(a) and Article 9(2)(a) GDPR). Consent will constitute a clear affirmative action of providing personal data in addition to that requested, either on the Administrator’s own initiative or at the request of the Administrator.

In the case of a disabled applicant for employment, with regard to health data, the legal basis for the processing is the fulfilment of obligations in the field of Polish labour law, social security and social protection (Art. 9(2)(b) and Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR) in connection with the provisions of the Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act.

Your personal data may also be processed for the defence of claims on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) (processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller) and Article 9(2)(f) GDPR (processing is necessary for the establishment, investigation or defence of claims).

  • Your personal data will not be made available to other recipients, with the exception of entities with which the controller has entered into appropriate agreements for the entrustment of processing and cases provided for by law.
  • Your data will be stored for the duration of the recruitment process, not longer than 12 months from the date of your application.
  • You have the right to: – withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal; – request the Controller to access, rectify, erase or restrict the processing of your personal data, data portability; – objection, however, this power may be limited by a specific legal provision; – to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

  • The provision of personal data is voluntary, however, the provision of the data specified in Article 22(1) of the Polish Labour Code and the data specified in the employer’s recruitment advertisement is necessary to carry out the job recruitment process.

  • Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

더 자세한 내용은 원문을 확인하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 홍콩 Stream of Wisdom Language Center Limited ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

홍콩 Stream of Wisdom Language Center Limited 

Job Highlights

    Responsible for teaching JP/ KOR/ ENG/ PTH/ CAN
    Good command of Spoken Japanese or Korean is must
    Must hold HKID or valid work visa

Job Description

  • Responsible for teaching Cantonese / Mandarin / English to Japanese students and teaching Japanese/Korean to Hong Kong students..
  • Good command of Spoken Japanese or Korean is a must.
  • Experience is preferable.
  • Must hold HKID or valid work visa.
  • Flexible hours for part time jobs.

Please send CV and cover letter (in Microsoft word format) with availability to us.

All information received will be kept in strict confidence and only for employment related purpose.


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 확인하시기 바랍니다.


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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 중국 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen ~24th Sep, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

 중국 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

The School of Humanities and Social Science now invites applications and nominations for:

Open Rank Faculty Position in Modern Languages: German/Spanish/Korean/Japanese (Ref. AC2023/016/01)

HSS is looking for applicants who have strong interest in joining the Language and Communication Studies Division and helping our students to learn foreign languages other than English. The appointees are expected to commence work in AY 2023-24.


Assistant Professor (Teaching)/Lecturer (Teaching-stream)

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in related fields from a renowned university and at least 3 years of experience in teaching German, Spanish, Korean, or Japanese to students at the tertiary level. Applicants should be able to teach in both English and the language that they specialize in.


Key Duties and Responsibilities

  1. teaching required non-English courses targeting language majors;
  2. teaching elective courses;
  3. assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.


Salary & Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be made under the establishment of CUHK, Shenzhen and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the People’s Republic of China. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Successful applicants can also apply for additional benefits through high-talent schemes at the Guangdong provincial level, the Shenzhen city level, and the Longgang district level.


Application Procedure

Applicants should apply online at and upload up-to-date CV, certification of all degrees and teaching evaluation report. Applicants will be required to arrange three recommendation letters after being shortlisted.

Applications will be reviewed immediately and considered until the post is filled.


About The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is established in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval of the Ministry of Education. It inherits the educational philosophy and academic systems of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is intended to evolve into a world-class research university with strong international orientation. It is committed to nurturing high-end talents with a global perspective, Chinese cultural tradition and social responsibility.


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한국어강사 해외채용 중국 长沙鸿平教育咨询有限公司 ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

중국 韩语教师 西安工商学院

1、韩国语能力达到TOPIK Ⅱ 水平,条件优秀者可适当放宽要求;

더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 중국 西安工商学院 ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

중국 韩语教师 西安工商学院


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 중국 江苏硕儒国际教育咨询集团有限公司(徐州铜山) ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

중국 韩语教师(徐州铜山)


더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 중국 江苏硕儒国际教育咨询集团有限公司(阜阳) ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

중국 韩语教师(阜阳)





더 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


한국어교사 해외채용 공고와 관련된 문의는 채용 기관으로 하시기 바랍니다.

한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.



한국어강사 해외채용 영국 Kennet School ~채용까지

한국어강사 해외 채용

영국 초·중등학교 한국어 방과후 강사 모집 (Kennet School)

주영한국교육원은 영국 초·중등학교의 한국어 방과후 수업을 지원하고 있으며, 현지 초·중등학교에서 한국어 방과후 수업을 담당할 강사를 모집하고 있습니다. 관심 있는 분들은 적극 지원하시기 바랍니다.


1. 모집 인원 : 1명

2. 모집 대상 : 다음의 요건 중 하나 이상 해당하는 자

가. 4년제 대학 졸업 이상의 학력을 보유한 자로서 국문학, 언어학, 한국어학, 교육학 등 한국어 및 교육 관련 전공자

나. 교육기관(한글학교 포함)에서 한국어 과목을 담당한 경력이 있는 자

* 한국어 교원 자격증 소지자, 영국 소재 대학원 재학생·졸업자 우대

한국어가 모국어가 아닌 자는 객관적인 한국어 능력 증빙 필요

3. 업무 내용 : 교육원과의 계약을 통해 현지 초·중등학교에서 영국 학생을 대상으로 주당 1시간 한국어 방과후 수업 담당

4. 제출 서류 : 자기 소개서국문 이력서영문 이력서최종학력증명서, 교원 자격증(해당자에 한함)

자기 소개서 및 이력서는 별도 서식 없음

5. 제출 방법 : 제출 서류를 PDF 형식으로 이메일 제출

* 이메일 주소 :

6. 제출 기한 : 채용 시까지

7. 참고 사항

가. 학교 위치 : Kennet School, Stoney Lane, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4LL​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

나. 교 재 : 주영한국교육원에서 한국어 교재 제공

다. 기 타 : 영국 학교에 방문하여 한국어를 처음 접하는 학생을 대상으로 수업을 하게 되므로 영어로 한국어를 지도할 수 있는 영어 회화 능력 필요

라. 계약 기간 : 2023년 9월부터 2024년 7월까지, 이후 1년 단위 갱신

마. 강 사 료 : 1회 수업(50-60당 £40(예산 사정에 따라 변동 가능)

바. 기 타 : 주영한국교육원 홈페이지( 참고




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한국어강사들의 기본적인 사회적 지위 보장을 위해 한국어교원의 처우 개선을 지지합니다.