우즈베키스탄 동신대학교 파견

2022학년도 2차 해외 파견 초빙교원 공개채용 공고

2022학년도 2차 해외 파견 초빙교원 공개채용 공고

1. 초빙분야 및 인원

한국어 교원학과  초빙교원 1명 [우즈베키스탄]  ▪ 해외 자매대학에서 한국어 및 한국학 관련 수업 강의 ▪ 해외 자매대학에서 교류프로그램(교환학생 등) 운영        ▪ 대학 및 입학 홍보(외국인 유학생 입학설명회 등)   

2. 지원자격

가. 국가공무원법 및 교육공무원법의 결격사유가 없는 자

나.「대학교원 자격기준 등에 관한 규정」에서 정한 조교수 이상 자격기준에 해당하는 자

다. 임용예정일 기준 만 65세 이하인 자

라. 해외체류 결격 사유가 없으며 해외 파견 기간 동안 해외 생활이 가능한 자

마. 한국어교육 관련분야 석사학위 이상 소지자

바. 한국어 교원 자격증(3급 이상) 소지자

사. 대학 또는 대학 부설기관에서 한국어 강의 경력 2년 이상인 자 우대

3. 응시원서 접수

 가. 교부 및 접수처

  ▪ 접수기간 : 2022. 8. 16(화) ~ 8. 18(목) 18:00(도착분에 한함)

  ▪ 접 수 처 : 동신대학교 교무처 교무연구팀(정보전산센터 106-B호)

 나. 접수방법 : 우편접수 또는 방문접수 

 다. 제출서류 : [붙임] 참조

  ▪ 임용 지원서 1부

  ▪ 자기소개서 1부

  ▪ 학위별 졸업(예정)증명서 및 성적증명서 각 1부

  ▪ 경력증명서(해당자에 한함) 1부

   – 경력은 지원서상의 기재한 내용과 일치하여야 하며, 증명서가 없는 경력사항은 인정하지 않음

  ▪ 자격증 및 면허증 사본(해당자에 한함) 1부

4. 기타사항

 가. 제출된 서류의 반환에 관한 사항은 관련 법령에 의하며, 추후 허위사실이 발견된 때에는 합격 또는 임용을 취소함

 나. 응시 서류상의 기재착오 또는 누락이나 연락불능 등으로 인한 불이익은 일체 응시자의 책임임

 다. 해당분야에 적격자가 없을 경우 채용(선발)하지 않을 수 있음

 라. 기타 자세한 사항은 동신대학교 교무연구팀으로 문의(☏ 061-330-3027)

미국 오리건대학교 University of OREGON

Pro Tem Instructor of Korean – Open Pool

Work type: Faculty – Pro Tempore
Location: Eugene, OR
Categories: Foreign Languages/Linguistics, Instruction

Department: East Asian Languages and Literatures
Rank: Instructor
Annual Basis: 9 Month

Review of Applications Begins
Applications will be reviewed as needs arise.

Special Instructions to Applicants
Interested applicants should submit:
• A CV
• A cover letter explaining training and experience
• A teaching portfolio (uploaded as “Teaching Statement”), including a statement of teaching philosophy, a list of courses taught, sample syllabi, and copies of official teaching evaluations
• Three letters of recommendation sent by letter writers to the search chair, Prof Jina Kim jinak@uoregon.edu

Preference will be given to candidates with experience implementing classroom technology and using content-based teaching methodologies.

Department Summary
The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures offers programs and courses related to the languages, literatures, and cultures of China, Japan, and Korea. The department has majors and minors in Japanese and Chinese and a minor in Korean. We also offer graduate programs across all three regions.

Position Summary
The Pro Tem Instructor of Korean will teach Korean language courses at a variety of levels and will take on other responsibilities associated with these courses such as developing teaching materials, supervising Graduate Employees, and meeting and communicating with students. The Pro Tem Instructor of Korean may also be asked to serve on department committees.

Minimum Requirements
• M.A. degree in Korean language pedagogy, linguistics, or a related field
• Experience teaching Korean at the university level

Professional Competencies
• Knowledge of foreign language teaching methodologies
• Knowledge of teaching materials development
• Ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students from a variety of diverse backgrounds
• Ability to teach effectively both independently and in a team environment at a variety of levels (beginning to advanced)
• Sufficient language skills in the target language and English to teach at any level within the curriculum

Preferred Qualifications
• Experience in implementing classroom technology
• Experience in using content-based teaching methodologies

The University of Oregon is proud to offer a robust benefits package to eligible employees, including health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off. For more information about benefits, visit http://hr.uoregon.edu/careers/about-benefits.

The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the ADA. The University encourages all qualified individuals to apply, and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected status, including veteran and disability status. The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. To request an accommodation in connection with the application process, please contact us at uocareers@uoregon.edu or 541-346-5112.

UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Questions may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Office of Civil Rights Compliance, or to the Office for Civil Rights. Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed on the statement of non-discrimination.

In compliance with federal law, the University of Oregon prepares an annual report on campus security and fire safety programs and services. The Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at http://police.uoregon.edu/annual-report.

홍콩 이공대학교 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Teaching Fellow / Instructor in Korean Language Studies (Temporary Appointment)

[Appointment period: twenty-four months]

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS) is one of the constituent departments of the Faculty of Humanities. One of the core missions of CBS is to promote and develop studies of Chinese in multilingual contexts and studies of multilingualism in Chinese contexts. With over 50 full-time academic and teaching staff members, CBS is a vibrant center for research in the areas of Chinese linguistics, corpus linguistics, language and communication disorders, cognitive neuroscience, bilingual communication, Chinese language education, Chinese language testing, language technology, and translation and interpreting. The Department now seeks to extend its strength in areas like language data analytics and computational linguistics. The Department is also devoted to offering high-quality education programmes at different levels (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral) in Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language Teaching, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Speech Therapy, Translating and Interpreting, Bilingual Corporate Communication, as well as Korean/Japanese language and culture courses at bachelor’s level. Within the Department, there is a PolyU-PekingU Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics, a Speech Therapy Unit, a Research Centre for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, and a Centre for Translation Studies. More information about the Department may be found at http://www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.

The appointee will be required to:
(a) engage in teaching of Korean language and culture subjects. The appointee is expected to teach various levels and types of subjects offered by the Department;
(b) co-ordinate teaching and contribute to the development of teaching and learning materials, subject and curriculum; and engage in teaching-related administrative duties and extra-curricular activities related to the local and/or Korean-related community;
(c) engage in scholarly activities and pedagogical exploration in relation to the above areas; and
(d) undertake administrative duties in academic and departmental affairs, and take up an active role in assisting with programme management for the further development of the Department’s objectives.

Applicants should have:
(a) a master’s degree in an appropriate discipline related to second / foreign language teaching;
(b) at least five years’ experience in teaching Korean language subjects at the tertiary level;
(c) native or near-native mastery of the Korean language;
(d) experience in deploying varied language teaching methods, developing language teaching materials and subject syllabi, and coordinating team teaching. Familiarity with curriculum development is preferred;
(e) experience in organising socio-cultural events as part of the curricular or extra-curricular activities; and
(f) a highly proficient level of English and be able to perform teaching-related administrative tasks independently. Proficiency in Cantonese / Putonghua, while not required, will be an advantage.

Applicants with lower qualifications or less relevant work experience may be considered for appointment at Instructor level. The job requirements and expectations will be in line with the appointed grade.

Conditions of Service
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. 

Consideration of applications will commence on 15 June 2022 until the position is filled.

미국 오하이오주립대학교 The Ohio State University

Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Korean Literature and Culture

Department:   East Asian Languages and Literatures
Position:  Korean Literature and Culture     
Rank: Assistant Professor                

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at The Ohio State University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Korean literature and culture. Applicants should have a specialization in Korean literature and interdisciplinary interests in the study of culture, to include vernacular culture or Korean diaspora studies, film and media studies, performance studies, or other areas. Candidates should have research expertise in at least one of the following areas: pre-modern literature, modern literature, or comparative literature. The position involves teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Korean literature (pre-modern and/or modern literature) and cultural studies (including popular culture, media studies, and cultural heritage). The successful candidate will design a new course that focuses on themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion in East Asian humanities and contribute to the development of the Korean performance program and a graduate degree program in Korean Studies.

This appointment begins August 15, 2023 and candidates must have a Ph.D. in Korean literature or a related field by the start of employment. ABDs welcome to apply. Native or near-native fluency in English and Korean is required. Appointment is contingent on the university’s verification of credentials and other information required by law and/or university policies, including but not limited to a criminal background check.

About Columbus:
The Ohio State University campus is located in Columbus, the capital city of Ohio. Columbus is the Midwest’s fastest-growing city and the nation’s 14th largest city. Columbus offers a diverse array of welcoming neighborhoods and a vibrant arts and culture scene. Additional information about all that the Columbus area has to offer is available at https://visit.osu.edu/experience.

Application Instructions:
A complete application consists of (1) a cover letter, including a statement of research interests and teaching experience; (2) curriculum vitae, including a list of college-level courses taught; (3) a diversity statement, which articulates the applicant’s demonstrated commitment to and leadership in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, mentoring, and/or outreach and engagement; (4) a research sample (no more than 50 pages); and (5) three letters of reference.

Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2022, and will continue until the position is filled. Inquiries may be directed to Naomi Fukumori, search committee chair, at fukumori.1@osu.edu.

The Ohio State University is committed to enhancing academic excellence. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining faculty of the highest caliber is a core component of this commitment. In support of this, The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) has created the Office of Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation (DCFR) to focus on supporting new and prospective faculty. This support includes dual careers services, consultation and resources related to relocation, as well as identifying opportunities to engage on campus and the surrounding community. While employment opportunities are not guaranteed, resources and consultation are available to support the partners of new and prospective faculty as they are considering The Ohio State University and throughout their transition.

The Ohio State University is committed to establishing a culturally and intellectually diverse environment, encouraging all members of our learning community to reach their full potential. Over the next few years, The Ohio State University is committed to welcoming 350 new faculty hires, many of which will contribute to growing our role as a premier research university equipped to answer and interrogate the critical domestic and global societal challenges that deter equality and inclusion. We are responsive to dual-career families and strongly promote work-life balance to support our community members through a suite of institutionalized policies. 

The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.

미국 캘리포니아주립대 새크라멘토 California State University, Sacramento ~채용까지

Lecturer Pool – World Languages

DEPARTMENT:  World Languages & Literatures

POSITION TITLE: Lecturer Pool – World Languages & Literatures


The Department of World Languages & Literatures at Sacramento State offers a Master of Arts in Spanish, undergraduate majors in Spanish and French, minors in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish, and also offers language classes in Arabic, Korean, and Punjabi. Our undergraduate programs are designed to provide students the opportunity to learn about languages, literatures, and cultures, to broaden cultural understanding, increase language proficiency, and enable them to communicate successfully both in a pluralistic American society and abroad.

Duties of a part-time lecturer include instruction, class preparation, grading, and office hours. Other duties may be assigned based on departmental needs. Course assignments, including dates, time, and modality, are made by the Department Chair under the direction of the College Dean.

Part-time lecturers are instructional faculty with conditional appointments based on enrollment and budget. Hires from the pool of applicants are made when there are instructional needs to fill coursework offered by an academic department based on changing enrollment patterns, changes to tenure-track faculty assignments, and other factors that cannot be addressed with our existing faculty. Initial appointments are typically for one semester, but occasionally academic year initial appointments are made. Appointments may be renewed based on department needs, funding, and performance. Often appointments are made just prior to the start of the semester.  

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree and experience teaching the subject at the college level.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in the specific area of instruction.


New applicants are required to submit a cover letter, current curriculum vita (CV)/resume, unofficial transcripts of highest degree or degree required for position, and a list of references.

About Sacramento State

Sacramento State is located in the heart of California’s capital city, five miles from State Capitol. The lush, 300-acre campus is situated along the American River, close to numerous bike trails and other recreational areas. Sacramento, also known as the “Farm-to-Fork Capital,” is one of the most ethnically diverse and livable cities in the country, with a population of half of a million. Sacramento State’s 31,000 students come not only from the Greater Sacramento Region, but also from across the state, country, and world. Our 1,800 faculty and 1,500 staff are committed to meeting our mission: “As California’s capital university, we transform lives by preparing students for leadership, service, and success. Sacramento State will be a recognized leader in education, innovation, and engagement.” As the regional hub of higher education, Sacramento State is dedicated to student successdiversity, equity and inclusioncommunity engagementphilanthropy, and campus safety

As evidenced by the values embedded in our Hornet Honor Code, Sacramento State is committed to creating an inclusive environment where all faculty, staff, students, and guests are welcome and valued.  Our commitment is more than simply ensuring that our campus is free from bias and discrimination, but is one devoted to celebrating many diverse identities, life experiences, and perspectives that enrich our community, teaching and learning. 

To learn more about why you should join the Hornet Family, please visit the Why Sac State? page.

Equal Employment Opportunity
California State University, Sacramento is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, or disability. Sacramento State hires only those individuals who are lawfully authorized to accept employment in the United States.

It is the policy of California State University, Sacramento to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment. If you need a disability related reasonable accommodation as part of the application and/or interviewing process, visit https://www.csus.edu/administration-business-affairs/internal/your-hr/benefits/reasonable-accomodation.html.

The University is committed to creating an education and working environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. For more information on mandatory training for new employees, visit https://www.csus.edu/compliance/hr-compliance/mandatory-dhr-training.html.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and Campus Fire Safety Right-To-know Act Notification

Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the current Annual Security Report (ASR) is available for viewing at https://www.csus.edu/clery.
The ASR contains the current security and safety-related policy statements, emergency preparedness and evacuation information, crime prevention and sexual assault prevention information, and drug and alcohol prevention programming. The ASR also contains statistics of Clery Act crimes for Sacramento State for the last three (3) calendar years. Paper copies are available upon request at the Police Service Center located in the University Union.

Background Check Disclaimer

A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position with California State University, Sacramento. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the application status of applicants or continued employment of current California State University, Sacramento employees who apply for the position.

COVID-19 Vaccine Certification Information

CSU requires faculty, staff, and students who are accessing campus facilities to be immunized against COVID-19 or declare a medical or religious exemption from doing so. Any candidates advanced in a currently open search process should be prepared to comply with this requirement. The systemwide policy can be found at https://calstate.policystat.com/policy/9779821/latest/.

Eligibility Verification

Candidate will be required to provide official transcripts of their highest degree earned and must furnish proof of eligibility to work in the U.S.. California State University, Sacramento is a sponsoring agency ( ie. H-1-B Visa).

Out of State Employment

Per CSU-wide policy (HR2021-04), all faculty who will begin initial employment (or return from a 12-month break in service) on or after January 1, 2022 are required to perform their work from within the State of California. Faculty hired prior to January 1, 2022 must be available to perform work in the State of California if their assignment is in-person.

Advertised: May 05, 2022 (9:00 AM) Pacific Daylight Time
Applications close: Open Until Filled

중국 홍콩중문대학교 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Assistant Professor (Teaching)/Lecturer in German/Spanish/Korean/Japanese

Employer Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Location China(CN)
Salary Competitive
Posted Date Aug 15, 2022
Position Type Faculty Positions, Humanities, Foreign Languages & Literatures
Employment Level Tenured/Tenured Track
Employment Type Full Time

The School of Humanities and Social Science now invites applications and nominations for:

Assistant Professor (Teaching)/Lecturer in German/Spanish/Korean/Japanese (Ref. AC2022/040/01)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is established in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval of the Ministry of Education. It inherits the educational philosophy and academic systems of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is intended to evolve into a world class research university with strong Chinese cultural influence. It is committed to nurturing high end talent with global perspective, Chinese tradition and social responsibility.

The School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) undertakes two important missions for our university’s education. First, HSS offers university-core courses to all undergraduate students in multiple areas, including general education, English language competency, Chinese language competency, physical education and fitness, basic competency in information technology (IT) applications, etc. These areas lay the foundation for the comprehensive education that all CUHK-Shenzhen students receive. Second, HSS also offers its own undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Currently, HSS offers three undergraduate programmes (Bachelor of Arts in Translation, Bachelor of Arts in English Studies, and Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology), four graduate programmes (Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Master of Arts in Simultaneous Interpreting, Master of Arts in Global Studies, and Master of Science in Applied Psychology), and two doctoral programmes in Global Studies and Applied Psychology respectively.

HSS is looking for applicants who have strong interest in joining the Language and Communication Division and helping our students to learn foreign languages other than English. The appointees are expected to commence work in AY 2022-23.

Post Specification

Qualifications and Requirements:

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in related fields from a renowned university and at least 3 years of experience in teaching German, Spanish, Korean, or Japanese to students at the tertiary level. Applicants should be able to teach in both English and the language that they specialize in.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

teaching required non-English courses targeting language majors; teaching elective courses; assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.

Salary & Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be made under the establishment of CUHK, Shenzhen and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the People’s Republic of China. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, China.

Application Procedure

Applicants should apply online at http://academicrecruit.cuhk.edu.cn/hss and upload their up-to-date CV, certification of all degrees, and teaching evaluation reports. Applicants will be required to arrange three recommendation letters after being shortlisted.

Applications will be considered until the post is filled.

미국 브리검영대학교 Brigham Young University

Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Korean) Visiting Professor

Job Title:  Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Korean) Visiting Professor

Job Classification:  Affiliate/Visiting Scholar, no salary

Posting close date: 09/30/2022

Start date of this position:  01/02/2022

Required Degree: PhD in a relevant field (e.g., Linguistics, Korean Literature, Korean Language Teaching)

Required degree must be completed by the start date.

Experience:  The successful candidate will have experience teaching a variety of courses associated with Korean language and linguistics and/or Korean studies and fluency in both Korean and English. The successful candidate will also have experience teaching students at a university level.

Duties/Expectations: The successful candidate must be willing to help the Korean program in the Asian and Near Eastern Languages Department by teaching one course during the winter 2023 semester. 

Information required at the time of application – Please list the individual contact information for each of your three recommenders on the faculty application. At some point during the selection process, they may be contacted to submit their letters of reference electronically

Document(s) required at the time of application – Please attach your updated Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the faculty application.


Equal Opportunity Employer: m/f/Vets/Disability

BYU, an equal opportunity employer, requires all faculty to observe the university’s Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards. Preference is given to qualified candidates who are members in good standing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

한국어강사 채용 서울다문화교육지원센터 다+온센터

서울다문화교육지원센터 한빛마중교실 강사 (한국어) 모집 공고문

2022년도 서울특별시교육청 다문화교육지원센터 『다+온센터』의 한빛마중교실 강사 (한국어) 모집을 다음과 같이 재공고하오니, 역량 있는 분들의 많은 응시를 바랍니다.

1. 채용 내용

가. 채용인원 : 한국어강사(계약직) 2명(시간제)

채용분야채용인원업무 내용
한국어 강사2명(시간제)󰋯중도입국․외국인 다문화학생 대상 한국어 프로그램 운영 및 학생 지도

나. 근무 장소 : 서울특별시교육청 다문화교육지원센터 다+온센터
(영등포구 대림동 소재, 서울영림초 체육관 건물 2층 위치)

2. 근무조건
가. 신분 : 교육공무직원이 아닌 계약직 직원으로 계약기간 만료 후 고용관계 소멸
나. 계약 기간 : 2022. 9. 1 ~ 2023. 1. 19
다. 근무시간: 월~금, 9:00~12:10 예정

채용 분야근무 시간
한국어 강사(초등,중등)주당 15시간 미만

※ 세부 수업 시간은 추후 협의 (1차시는 45분으로 운영)
라. 보수: 시급제 시간당 25,000원
※ 수당은 매월 프로그램 종료 후, 실제 수업일수에 따라 지급

3. 응시자격 및 우대조건
가. 응시연령 : 공고일 기준 만18세 이상, 임용 상한 연령(지방공무원의 정년 만60세와 동일) 미 해당자
나. 성별 및 지역(거주지) 제한 없음
다. 응시자격
1) 필수자격
가) 서울특별시교육청 교육공무직원 채용 등에 관한 조례 시행규칙 제14조에 의한 결격사유가 없는 자

서울특별시교육청 교육공무직원 채용 등에 관한 조례 시행규칙
제14조(결격사유) 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당되는 사람은 교육공무직원으로 채용할 수 없다.
1.「아동·청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률」제56조에 따라 취업이 제한되는 사람
2.「아동복지법」제29조의3에 따라 취업이 제한되는 사람
3. 의료기관의 채용신체검사 결과 취업이 부적당하다고 판정된 사람
4. 피성년후견인 또는 피한정후견인
5. 파산선고를 받은 자로서 복권되지 아니한 사람
6. 금고 이상의 형을 받고 그 집행이 종료되거나, 집행을 받지 않기로 확정된 후 5년이 지나지 아니한 사람
7. 금고 이상의 형을 받고 그 집행유예의 기간이 만료된 날로부터 2년이 지나지 아니한 사람
8. 금고 이상형의 선고유예를 선고받고 그 선고유예 기간 중에 있는 사람
9. 법원의 판결 또는 다른 법률에 따라 자격이 상실되거나 정지된 사람
10. 징계로 해고의 처분을 받은 날로부터 5년이 지나지 아니한 사람
11. 그 밖에 업무수행이 불가능하다고 판단되는 사람

나) 기타 법령에 의하여 응시자격이 정지되지 아니한 자(남자의 경우 병역의무를 필한 자 또는 면제된 자)
다) 필수 자격 요건 충족 (아래 참고)

채용 분야필수 자격 (항목 중 1개 이상 해당)
한국어 강사∘해당 분야 대학 졸업(예정)자∘해당 분야 전공자 또는 기술.기능 보유자∘지역 내 주민 중 전문 능력을 가진 인적 자원

2) 우대자격
가) 다국적어 회화 능력을 갖춘 자 중국어 등 우대)
나) 다문화, 사회복지사, 전문상담사, 청소년지도사, 교원자격증 등 관련 자격증 1개 이상 소지자
다) 다문화, 탈북, 상담, 아동·청소년 및 사회복지 관련 기관 유경험자
라) 석사 이상 학위 취득자

4. 원서접수 및 심사방법
가. 공고방법: 서울시교육청 홈페이지 및 다문화교육지원센터 홈페이지 게시
나. 접수기간: 2022. 8. 12.(금)~2022. 8. 18.(목) 18:00 까지
다. 전형 절차
1) 1차 심사: 서류전형
※ 서류전형 합격자 발표: 2022. 8. 23(화) 15:00 이후 개별 합격 통보(3배수 선정)
※ 적격자가 없을 경우, 2배수 이내 선정 또는 추가 서류 접수 진행할 수 있음
2) 2차 심사: 면접 (2022. 8. 24.(수) 예정)
※ 일정 및 장소는 해당자에 한해 개별 통보
3) 최종합격자 발표: 2022. 8. 26.(금) 개별 통보

5. 원서 접수
가. 접수기간 : 2022. 8. 12.(금)~2022. 8. 18.(목) 18:00까지
나. 제출서류
1) 원서접수 시 제출 서류
가) 응시원서 및 자기소개서 1부(소정양식):【공고서식 1, 2】
나) 개인정보 이용 및 수집 동의서:【공고서식 3】
2) 2차 면접 시 제출 서류(1차 서류심사 합격자만 제출)
가) 최종학력증명서 1부
나) 경력증명서 및 병적증명서 각 1부(해당자에 한함)
다) 자격증 또는 자격인정조서 사본 1부(해당자에 한함)
라) 개인정보 이용 및 수집 동의서:【공고서식 4】 ※제출서류에 주민번호 포함시에만 작성 제출
3) 최종 합격자 제출서류
가) 주민등록등본 1부
나) 채용신체검사서(공무원용) 1부
다) 통장 사본 1부
라) 성범죄 경력 및 아동학대관련범죄 전력 조회 동의서:【공고서식 5】참조
다. 제출방법 : yuaric21@sen.go.kr로 전자메일 송부(접수기간 내)
라. 문 의 처 : 서울특별시교육청 다문화교육지원센터 다+온센터
(담당 : 박에스더 장학사 ☏ 070-4832-8325)

6. 유의사항
가. 응시원서 등에 허위기재 또는 기재착오, 구비서류 미제출 등으로 인한 불이익은 응시자 본인의 책임으로 함
나. 응시 희망자는 자격요건 등이 적합한가를 우선 판단하여 원서를 접수하기 바라며, 제출한 서류는 일체 반환하지 않으며, 기재사항은 수정할 수 없음
다. 응시원서나 각종 증명서의 기재내용이 사실과 다르거나 법규를 위반한 자는 합격을 취소할 수 있음
라. 응시원서 접수결과 응시자가 선발예정 인원 수와 같거나 미달하더라도 적격자가 없는 경우 선발하지 않을 수 있음
마. 본 계획은 사정에 의하여 변경될 수 있으며, 변경된 사항은 재공고 후 시행할 예정임
바. 기타 공고되지 않은 사항은 채용심사위원회의 결정에 따름

한국어강사 채용 우암초등학교

2022학년도 우암초 한국어 강사 모집 공고

우암초등학교에서는 한국어교육 운영과 관련하여 아래와 같이 프로그램 위탁강사를 모집하오니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

1. 모집 부문 및 인원

모집 부문모집인원
  한국어 강사  1(대상 학생 1,4,5학년)

2. 계약기간 및 수당
가. 기간 : 2022. 9. 2. ~ 2022. 12. 8. (14주)
나. 시간 : 주5회 일 2시간씩
다. 수당 : 시간당 4만원
(코로나 19 또는 학교사정으로 인해 근무기간 및 시간, 방학 기간 포함 유무 등이 변동될 수 있음)

3. 모집 일정 (※학교 사정에 의해 조정될 수 있음)

공고 기간2022. 8. 16.() ~ 2022. 8. 22.()
접수 기간2022. 8. 16.() ~ 2022. 8. 22.() 16:30까지
접수 장소본교 교무실 (본인 직접 방문 접수, 우편접수 불가)
1차 서류심사서류전형 합격자 발표 : 2022. 8. 24.() 17:00 이후 개별 통보 * 연락처 오류, 연락 두절로 인한 전달 착오는 본인 책임임.
2차 면접심사2022. 8. 25.() 14:30 ~ * 1차 서류전형 합격자로 개별 통보 받은 자에 한함.
최종합격자 통보2022. 8. 26.() 17:00 이후 합격자 개별 통보

4. 지원 자격

가. 국가공무원법 제33조 각 호의 결격사유가 없는 자
나. 교원 자격증 소지자
다. 채용 우선순위
– 1순위: 한국어교원 자격증 소지자
– 2순위: 초·중등교원 자격증 소지자
– 3순위: 한국어 지도경력이 있는 자
– 4순위: 관련 자격증 소지자

【초중등교육법 시행령 별표 2 : ‘강사’ 자격 기준】
1. 대학(유치원의 경우에는 전문대학을 포함한다) 졸업자 또는 이와 동등 이상의 학력이 있는 자로서 담당과목과 동일 또는 유사한 과목을 전공한 자
2. 전문대학 졸업자 또는 이와 동등 이상의 학력이 있는 자로서 담당과목과 관련되는 분야에 2년 이상 실무경력이 있는 자
3. 고등학교 졸업자 또는 이와 동등 이상의 학력이 있는 자로서 담당과목과 관련되는 분야에 4년 이상 실무경력이 있는 자
4. 제1호 내지 제3호외의 자로서 교육감이 따로 정하는 자격기준에 해당하는 자

5. 제출 서류

‣ 제출서류를 순서대로 정리 후 서류봉투 밀봉하여 제출 (봉투 겉면에 󰡐우암초 한국어교육 강사 : 강사명 기재)
‣ 제출서류가 사본일 경우 원본대조필하여 제출

가. 응모 시 제출서류
1) 응모 지원서 1부【서식1】 ★증빙서류 있는 이력만 기재, 허위사실 기재시에는 선정 취소함.
2) 자기 소개서 1부【서식2】

나. 1차 선정 후 제출서류 – 면접 시 구비하여 제출
1) 경력증명서
2) 최종학력증명서
3) 자격증(원본대조필)
4) 주민등록증 사본 1부
5) 성범죄 경력 및 아동학대관련범죄 전력 조회 동의서【서식3】

다. 계약체결 시 제출서류 – 추후 안내
1) 계약서 작성
2) 채용신체검사서 1부(검사일로부터 1년간 유효)
3) 개인정보 수집이용제공활용 동의서, 청렴이행 서약서, 통장사본 등

6. 유의 사항
가. 허위사실 기재나 신원조회 및 채용신체검사 결과 이상이 있을시 선정 및 채용을 해지합니다.
나. 접수된 서류는 일체 반환 및 공개하지 않습니다.
다. 신청서를 제출한 강사는 선정 심의 결과에 이의를 제기할 수 없으며 심의 결과는 공개하지 않습니다.
라. 1차 서류 전형 실시 후 적격자가 없을 경우 재공고 할 수 있습니다.
마. 강사 계약은 학교장과 강사 개인 사이의 계약입니다.
바. 최종 채용 후에도 범죄경력조회 등의 결격 사유 해당 시 채용이 취소됩니다.

7. 문의 : 한국어강사 업무담당자 ☎ 055-310-1812 교무실 ☎ 055-310-1801

한국어강사 채용 신양중학교

신양중학교 다문화 교육 한국어강사 채용 재공고

  1. 채용 분야 및 인원
    분야 한국어강사 (예비학교, 특별학급)
    인원 2명


  • 다문화가정 자녀의 한국어교육
  • 한국어교육과정 강의
  • 학생 상담 및 관리


  • 학사학위 이상 소지자
  • 국어기본법 및 동법시행령에 의한
    한국어교원 3급 이상 자격증 소지자
  • 한국어 강의 및 다문화가정 학생
    지도 경력자 우대
  • 외국어 회화 가능자 우대
  1. 응시원서 접수
    가. 접수기간 : 2022. 8. 11.(목) ~ 2022. 8. 17.(수) 15:00
    나. 접수방법 : 방문접수(신양중학교 2층 교무실)
    다. 제출서류
    1) 응시원서 1부
    2) 자기소개서 1부
    3) 한국어수업 운영 계획서 1부
    4) 졸업증명서 사본 1부
    5) 한국어교원 자격증 사본 1부
    6) 경력증명서 1부(해당자에 한함) ※ 근무기간, 직위, 직급 및 담당업무 정확히 기재 ※ 4)~6) 서류는 서류심사 통과자만 면접일에 지참하여 제출
    최종 합격자 추가 제출 서류는 별도 통보
  2. 전형 일정
    가. 서류심사 및 결과발표 : 2022. 8. 17.(수)
    ※ 합격자(모집인원의 3배수 내외)에 한하여 개별 통보
    나. 면접 및 시범강의 : 2022. 8. 18.(목)
    ※ 시간 및 장소는 추후 결정하여 서류심사 결과발표 시 통보
    다. 합격자 발표 : 2022. 8. 18.(목)
    ※ 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보
  3. 근무시간 및 근무 조건
    가. 근무시간은 주당 15시간 미만
    (※ 강사료는 다문화언어강사 채용 기준에 준함, 2022년 기준 시급 22,000원)
    나. 계약기간 및 수업기간 : 2022. 8. 29.(월) ~ 2023. 2. 28.(화)
  4. 전형방법
    가. 1차(서류전형)
    ○ 응시원서 접수 시 응시자가 제출한 서류를 활용하여 자격요건 심사
    나. 2차(면접 및 시범강의)
    ○ 1차(서류전형) 합격자를 대상으로 실시
    ○ 수업전문성, 의사전달력, 다문화학생 교육의 이해능력 등을 종합적으로 평가
    다. 2차 전형 합격자의 추가 작성 서류 안내 (양식은 학교에 비치)
    1) 개인정보수집 ‧ 이용에 관한 안내 및 동의서 1부
    2) 성범죄 경력 조회 및 아동학대 관련 범죄 전력 조회 신청서 1부
    3) 성범죄 경력 조회 및 아동학대 관련 범죄 전력 조회 동의서 1부
    4) 국민건강보험공단 건강검진결과통보서(최근 2년 이내) 또는 일반채용신체검사서(최근 1년 이내) 1부
    5) 주민등록초본 1부
  5. 유의사항
    가. 지원서류에 허위기재 또는 기재 착오, 구비서류 미제출 등으로 인한 응시자 귀책 사유발생시 불이익 발생
    나. 본 채용공고는 사정에 의하여 변경될 수 있으며, 변경된 사항이 있을 경우 재공고 후시행할 예정
    다. 기타사항은 신양중학교 2층 교무실로 문의(☎031-980-8411)