한국어강사 해외채용 스웨덴 Lund University ~May 26, 2023

한국어강사 해외 채용

스웨덴 Lund University, Associate Senior Lecturer with focus on contemporary Korean society

Lund University, The Faculties of Humanities and Theology,

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has around 46 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Work place


The position is placed at the Centre for East and South-Asian Studies. Information about the work place is found here: https: // www.

Work duties

The work duties include research and teaching about contemporary Korean society, some teaching on East and South-East Asia as well as theory and methods in other courses.

The position includes 50 per cent of research and 50 per cent of teaching and administration. The associate senior lecturer shall contribute to develop teaching and research about contemporary Korean society. The holder of the position is expected to conduct research that results in international publications. Teaching includes responsibility for developing and administrating new courses on contemporary Korean society at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The holder of the position is in addition expected to strengthen contacts and collaborations with both Swedish and international universities, particularly in Korea.

Associate senior lecturer is a position that shall provide opportunities for teaching and research qualifications. The position shall first and foremost provide scope for developing research qualifications. The scope of the position shall also provide an opportunity for training in teaching and learning in higher education corresponding to at least five weeks.

Required qualifications

A person qualified for appointment as an associate senior lecturer is a person who has been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research expertise with a focus on contemporary Korean society. Primary consideration should be given to a person who has been awarded a PhD or achieved the equivalent expertise within five years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer. However, a person who has been awarded a PhD or achieved the equivalent expertise at an earlier date may also be considered if there are exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are sick leave, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

Further requirements for appointment are:
  • Good knowledge in English.
  • Good knowledge in Korean.
Basis of assessment
  • A good ability to develop and carry out high-quality research.
  • Teaching skills.

Furthermore, weight will be attached to the applicant’s assessed ability to achieve sufficient merit for promotion to senior lecturer within the time frame of the associate senior lecturer position.

Equal attention will be given to the applicants’ teaching and research expertise.

Desirable qualifications
  • Documented experience of interdisciplinary teaching.
  • Documented experience of cooperation with the surrounding society and informing about research and the societal development in Korea.
  • Experience of stays in and/or international collaboration with universities in Korea and other countries in East and South-East Asia.
  • Good cooperation skills.
Instructions for the application

The application must conform to the instructions that can be downloaded at www. applicants. The applicant is responsible for making sure that the application is complete, in accordance with the vacancy announcement and instructions, and for submitting it to the University by the application deadline through the recruitment portal.

The Academic Appointments Board normally selects a shortlist of applicants. This selection can be done in one or several steps and if needed with the help of external experts. The applicants who are selected for external assessment may be invited to submit physical copies of the papers that they wish to submit for expert assessment.


Fixed term appointment, four years, according to Chapter 4, Section 12 b The Higher Education Ordinance with possibility for promotion to senior lecturer. The University applies individual salary-setting.



An associate senior lecturer may during the employment period apply to be promoted to a permanent position as senior lecturer if he or she has the qualifications for such employment and is also deemed suitable in an examination according to the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria below. The application may only be made once and must be submitted to the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology no later than six months before the employment ends.

Required qualifications
  • Completed doctoral degree or equivalent research expertise relevant to the subject area in question and the duties included in this post.
  • Demonstrated teaching expertise. Particular emphasis will be placed on documented ability to conduct teaching and supervision at different levels, and that the quality and breadth of teaching competence has been developed during employment as an associate senior lecturer. The pedagogical competence must be documented in a pedagogical portfolio.
  • Completed training in teaching and learning in higher education amounting to at least five weeks or equivalent knowledge acquired in other ways.
  • Scientific skill corresponding to docent competence according to the guidelines of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. This means that the applicant after the doctoral degree must have broadened and deepened his/her research. In relation to the doctoral thesis, the applicant must have clearly broadened his/her scientific register and showed good progression. This is documented through a production that in terms of scope corresponds to at least one more doctoral thesis. In addition to this, special emphasis will be placed on international publications.
  • Progression in academic leadership through increased ability to develop, lead and implement education and research and/or demonstrated commitment and responsibility for university-wide tasks.
  • Documented ability to write research applications for external funding.
  • Good ability to cooperate with the surrounding society and to inform about research.
  • Sufficient skills in the Swedish language to be able to be responsible for administrative tasks.
Assessment criteria
  • The degree of such research, teaching, administrative and other expertise that is of importance in view of the work duties and subject matter of the position as well as personal ability of relevance to perform the duties well.
  • A good national and international standing as a researcher. The requirement for an international qualification is assessed with regard to the nature and tradition of the subject area.
  • Good teaching ability, including a good ability to conduct, develop and lead teaching and other educational activities at different levels and using a variety of teaching methods.
  • An ability to participate in supervising doctoral students.
  • An ability to cooperate with the surrounding society and inform about his/her activities.
  • An ability to otherwise lead and develop activities.


About The Joint Faculties of the Humanities and Theology The Joint Faculties of the Humanities and Theology have eight departments and carries out large and varied work within research and education with the purpose to understand people as cultural and social beings. The faculties have around 700 employees and around 4000 students.

The Department of History is one of the eight departments within the Joint Faculties of the Humanities and Theology. It is a large department consisting of three divisions: the Division of history, the Division of human rights and the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies. Around 70 teachers and researchers work at the department. They undertake teaching within the BA programmes in history and human rights, the masters programme in history and the international masters programmes in human rights and Asian studies. The department also has a large post-graduate programme with Ph.D. students in history and human rights, as well as a research school in history.

The Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies was founded in 1997 as a result of a government initiative. The Centre’s task is to develop expertise and understanding of contemporary societal, political and economic development in East and South-East Asia. The Centre conducts education at undergraduate and graduate levels as well at the PhD level. It coordinates a PhD school in Asian Studies. The Centre is home to the largest library of its kind in the Nordic area and regularly organises public lectures, seminars and conferences.

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